Library to easily communicate with XBee modules.

Dependencies:   DigiLogger

Dependents:   WaterLogger XbeeGateway XBee_Cooker ProjetReceiver ... more

Use XBee radio modules to easily improve your project with wireless connectivity. You can enable entire networks of connected devices. XBees can exchange data with other modules in the network and configure remote modules as well as trigger actions or collect sensor data on XBee nodes without needing additional external microcontrollers. Using this documentation and configuration tools with XBee modules, it is easy to develop these types of applications and more.


The XBee mbed Library is a ready-to-import mbed extension that dramatically reduces development time for XBee projects on the mbed platforms. There are many modular examples, making it an easy and smooth process to add wireless networking to a whole range of useful applications.


Currently 802.15.4 (Series 1 and 2), ZigBee (Series 2) and DigiMesh (Series 1 and 2) modules are supported. The libraries can be extended to support other protocols like DigiMesh point-to-point, WiFi, etc.

User manual

The user manual can be found at this project's Wiki pages:

  1. Configuring the library
  2. Debugging the library
  3. Initializing modules
  4. Resetting the local module
  5. Receiving Data from other module
  6. Sending data to another module
  7. Discovering nodes in the network
  8. Configuring local and remote modules
  9. Handling modem status changes
  10. Handling remote modules DIOs, ADCs and PWMs
  11. Handling IO Data Samples from other module
  12. Radio Power Management

Ready to use examples

There are a lot of ready to use examples to get started quickly.
Make sure you have a valid example setup before running the examples:

Examples for ZigBee modules

Import programXBeeZB_Receive_Data

ZigBee Receive Data example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_Send_Data

ZigBee Send Data example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_module_config

ZigBee network configuration example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_AT_Commands

ZigBee AT Commands example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_dio_adc

ZigBee DIOs and ADCs example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_IO_Sample_Callback

ZigBee IO Sampling Callback example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_modem_status

ZigBee Modem Status example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_node_discovery

ZigBee Node Discovery example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_power_mngmnt_cyclic_sleep

ZigBee Power Management using Cyclic Sleep example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeZB_power_mngmnt_pin_sleep

ZigBee Power Management using Pin Sleep example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Examples for 802.15.4 modules

Import programXBee802_Receive_Data

802.15.4 Receive Data example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBee802_Send_Data

802.15.4 Send Data example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBee802_module_config

802.15.4 network configuration example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBee802_AT_Commands

802.15.4 AT Commands example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBee802_dio_adc_pwm

802.15.4 DIOs, ADCs and PWM example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBee802_IO_Sample_Callback

802.15.4 IO Sampling Callback example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBee802_node_discovery

802.15.4 Node Discovery example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBee802_power_mngmnt_cyclic_sleep

802.15.4 Power Management using Cyclic Sleep example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBee802_power_mngmnt_pin_sleep

802.15.4 Power Management using Pin Sleep example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Examples for DigiMesh modules

Import programXBeeDM_Receive_Data

DigiMesh Receive Data example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_Send_Data

DigiMesh Send Data example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_module_config

DigiMesh network configuration example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_AT_Commands

DigiMesh AT Commands example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_dio_adc_pwm

DigiMEsh DIOs, ADCs and PWMs example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_IO_Sample_Callback

DigiMesh IO Sampling Callback example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_modem_status

DigiMesh Modem Status example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_node_discovery

DigiMesh Node Discovery example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_power_mngmnt_asyncr_cyclic_sleep

DigiMesh Power Management using Asynchronous Cyclic Sleep example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi

Import programXBeeDM_power_mngmnt_pin_sleep

DigiMesh Power Management using Pin Sleep example for mbed XBeeLib By Digi



File content as of revision 4:629712865107:

 * Copyright (c) 2015 Digi International Inc.,
 * All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at
 * Digi International Inc. 11001 Bren Road East, Minnetonka, MN 55343
 * =======================================================================

#if !defined(__XBEE_ZB_H_)
#define __XBEE_ZB_H_

#include "XBee/XBee.h"
#include "FrameHandlers/FH_AtCmdResp.h"
#include "FrameHandlers/FH_RxPacketZB.h"
#include "FrameHandlers/FH_IoDataSampleZB.h"
#include "RemoteXBee/RemoteXBee.h"

namespace XBeeLib {

/** Class for XBee ZigBee modules, derived from XBee */
class XBeeZB : public XBee

         * IoLine for XBeeZB Modules
        enum IoLine {
            DIO0_AD0 = 0,  /**< DIO0_AD0 pin */
            DIO1_AD1 = 1,  /**< DIO1_AD1 pin */
            DIO2_AD2 = 2,  /**< DIO2_AD2 pin */
            DIO3_AD3 = 3,  /**< DIO3_AD3 pin */
            DIO4     = 4,  /**< DIO4 pin */
            DIO5     = 5,  /**< DIO5 pin */
            DIO6     = 6,  /**< DIO6 pin */
            DIO7     = 7,  /**< DIO7 pin */
            DIO10    = 10, /**< DIO10 pin */
            DIO11    = 11, /**< DIO11 pin */
            DIO12    = 12, /**< DIO12 pin */
            SUPPLY_VOLTAGE = 7, /**< SUPPLY_VOLTAGE is not a real pin */

        enum AssocStatus {
            ErrorReading    = -1,       /**< Error occurred when reading parameter. */
            Joined          = 0x00,     /**< Successfully formed or joined a network. (Coordinators form a network, routers and end devices join a network.) */
            NoPANs          = 0x21,     /**< Scan found no PANs */
            NoValidPAN      = 0x22,     /**< Scan found no valid PANs based on current SC and ID settings */
            JoinNotAllowed  = 0x23,     /**< Valid Coordinator or Routers found, but they are not allowing joining (NJ expired). */
            NoBeacons       = 0x24,     /**< No joinable beacons were found. */
            Unexpected      = 0x25,     /**< Unexpected state, node should not be attempting to join at this time. */
            JoinFailed      = 0x27,     /**< Node Joining attempt failed (typically due to incompatible security settings). */
            CoordStartFail  = 0x2A,     /**< Coordinator start attempt failed */
            CheckingCoord   = 0x2B,     /**< Checking for an existing coordinator. */
            LeaveFail       = 0x2C,     /**< Attempt to leave the network failed. */
            JoinNoResponse  = 0xAB,     /**< Attempted to join a device that did not respond. */
            SecKeyUnsec     = 0xAC,     /**< Secure join error - network security key received unsecured. */
            SecKeyNotRec    = 0xAD,     /**< Secure join error - network security key not received. */
            SecBadKey       = 0xAF,     /**< Secure join error - joining device does not have the right preconfigured link key. */
            Scanning        = 0xFF      /**< Scanning for a ZigBee network (routers and end devices). */

        /** Class constructor
         * @param tx the TX pin of the UART that will interface the XBee module
         * @param rx the RX pin of the UART that will interface the XBee module
         * @param reset the pin to which the XBee's reset line is attached to, use NC if not available
         * @param rts the RTS pin for the UART that will interface the XBee module, use NC if not available
         * @param cts the CTS pin for the UART that will interface the XBee module, use NC if not available
         * @param baud the baudrate for the UART that will interface the XBee module. Note that the module has to be already configured
         * to this baud rate (ATBD parameter). By default it is configured to 9600 bps
        XBeeZB(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName reset = NC, PinName rts = NC, PinName cts = NC, int baud = 9600);

        /** Class destructor */
        virtual ~XBeeZB();

        /** init-  initializes object
         * This function must be called just after creating the object so it initializes internal data.
         * @returns
         *         Success if the module has been properly initialized and is ready to process data.
         *         Failure otherwise.
        RadioStatus init();

        /** set_panid - sets the 64bit extended PAN ID.
         *  @note on ZigBee devices, if set to 0, the coordinator will select a random PAN ID
         *           and the routers will join any extended PAN ID
         *  @param panid the PAN ID value that will be set on the radio
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus set_panid(uint64_t panid);

        /** get_configured_panid - gets the configured PAN ID, as it was set by @ref set_panid().
         *  @note on ZigBee devices, if set to 0, the coordinator will select a random PAN ID
         *           and the routers will join any extended PAN ID
         *  @param panid pointer where the configured PAN ID will be stored
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus get_configured_panid(uint64_t * const panid);

        /** get_operating_panid - gets the operating 64bit extended PAN ID the module is running on. This is useful to determine the PAN ID when the ID parameter (@ref set_panid) is set to 0x00.
         *  @param panid pointer where the operating PAN ID will be stored
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus get_operating_panid(uint64_t * const panid);

        /** set_panid - sets the 64bit extended PAN ID.
         *  @note on ZigBee devices, if set to 0, the coordinator will select a random PAN ID
         *           and the routers will join any extended PAN ID
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param panid the PAN ID value that will be set on the radio
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus set_panid(const RemoteXBee& remote, uint64_t panid);

        /** get_configured_panid - gets the configured PAN ID in a remote node, as it was set by @ref set_panid()
         *  @note on ZigBee devices, if set to 0, the coordinator will select a random PAN ID
         *           and the routers will join any extended PAN ID
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param panid pointer where the configured PAN ID will be stored
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus get_configured_panid(const RemoteXBee& remote, uint64_t * const panid);

        /** get_operating_panid - gets the operating 64bit extended PAN ID in which a remote node is running on. This is useful to determine the PAN ID when the ID parameter (@ref set_panid) is set to 0x00.
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param panid pointer where the operating PAN ID will be stored
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus get_operating_panid(const RemoteXBee& remote, uint64_t * const panid);

        /** set_channel_mask - sets the channel mask in which the module will scan for the PAN ID (if it is a router or end-device) or start the network (if it is a coordinator).
         * It should be set to the minimum available set of channels of all nodes in the network. Refer to "SC" parameter in the product manual for more information.
         *  @param chmask bit field list of channels to scan (router/end-devices) or to choose when starting a network (coordinator). Bit 0 is for channel 0x0B and bit 15 for channel 0x1A.
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus set_channel_mask(uint16_t const chmask);

        /** get_channel_mask - gets the channel mask in which the module will scan for the PAN ID (if it is a router or end-device) or start the network (if it is a coordinator).
         *  @param chmask pointer to where the configured channel mask will be stored
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus get_channel_mask(uint16_t * const chmask);

        /** check_for_coordinator_at_start - (Routers only) If enabled, a router will verify the coordinator is on its operating channel when joining or coming up from a power cycle.
         * If a coordinator is not detected, the router will leave its current channel and attempt to join a new PAN. If JV=0, the router will continue operating on its current channel even if a coordinator is not detected.
         *  @param enable whether to enable this feature or not
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus check_for_coordinator_at_start(bool enable);

        /** set_network_security_key - (Coordinator only) Set the 128-bit AES network encryption key. If set to 0 (default), the module will select a random network key.
         *  It is not recommended to set the key programmatically, because it could be read through the raw serial port bits.
         *  @param key pointer to the 128-bit AES key
         *  @param length size of the buffer pointed by 'key'
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus set_network_security_key(const uint8_t * const key, const uint16_t length);

        /** set_encryption_options - Configure options for encryption. Unused option bits should be set to 0. Options include:
         *  - XBEE_ZB_ENC_OPT_SEND_KEY_ON_JOIN - Send the security key unsecured over-the-air during joins
         *  - XBEE_ZB_ENC_OPT_USE_TRUST_CENTER - Use trust center (coordinator only)
         *  @param options bit mask with the encryption options
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus set_encryption_options(const uint8_t options);

        /** register_node_discovery_cb - registers the callback function that will be called
         * when the responses to the node discovery command arrive
         *  @param function function pointer with the callback function
        void register_node_discovery_cb(node_discovery_zb_cb_t function);

        /** unregister_node_discovery_cb - removes the node discovery callback */
        void unregister_node_discovery_cb();

        /** register_receive_cb - registers the callback function that will be called
         * when a data packet is received
         *  @param function function pointer with the callback function
        void register_receive_cb(receive_zb_cb_t function);

        /** unregister_receive_cb - removes the rx packet callback */
        void unregister_receive_cb();

        /** register_io_sample_cb - registers the callback function that will be called
         * when a IO Sample Data packet is received
         *  @param function function pointer with the callback function
        void register_io_sample_cb(io_data_cb_zb_t function);

        /** unregister_io_sample_cb - removes the IO Sample Data reception callback */
        void unregister_io_sample_cb();

        /*********************** send_data member methods ************************/
        /** send_data - sends data to a remote device
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param data pointer to the data that will be sent
         *  @param len number of bytes that will be transmitted
         *  @param syncr if true, method waits for the packet answer with the result of the operation
         *  @returns the result of the data transfer
         *     TxStatusSuccess if the operation was successful,
         *     the error code otherwise
        virtual TxStatus send_data(const RemoteXBee& remote, const uint8_t *const data, uint16_t len, bool syncr = true);

        /** send_data - sends data to a remote device. This method uses
         *                   the explicit addressing frame, allowing to use source and
         *                   destination end points and cluster and profile IDs
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param source_ep source end point
         *  @param dest_ep destination end point
         *  @param cluster_id cluster ID
         *  @param profile_id profile ID
         *  @param data pointer to the data that will be sent
         *  @param len number of bytes that will be transmitted
         *  @param syncr if true, method waits for the packet answer with the result of the operation
         *  @returns the result of the data transfer
         *     TxStatusSuccess if the operation was successful,
         *     the error code otherwise
        TxStatus send_data(const RemoteXBee& remote, uint8_t source_ep,
                                uint8_t dest_ep, uint16_t cluster_id, uint16_t profile_id,
                                const uint8_t *const data, uint16_t len, bool syncr = true);

        /** send_data_to_coordinator - sends data to the ZigBee coordinator
         *  @param data pointer to the data that will be sent
         *  @param len number of bytes that will be transmitted
         *  @param syncr if true, method waits for the packet answer with the result of the operation
         *  @returns the result of the data transfer
         *     TxStatusSuccess if the operation was successful,
         *     the error code otherwise
        TxStatus send_data_to_coordinator(const uint8_t *const data, uint16_t len, bool syncr = true);

        /** get_assoc_status - returns current network association status. This wraps AI parameter, for more information refer to moudle's Reference Manual.
         *  @returns an AssocStatus with current network association status.
        AssocStatus get_assoc_status(void);

        /** is_joined - checks if the device is joined to ZigBee network
         *  @returns true if joined, false otherwise
        bool is_joined();

        /** get_remote_node_by_id - searches for a device in the network with the specified Node Identifier.
         *  @param node_id node id of the device we are looking for
         *  @returns a RemoteXBeeZB with the 16-bit and 64-bit address of the remote device whose node id matches with the parameter.
         *  If node is not found, the returned object will have invalid addresses (RemoteXBeeZB::is_valid() will return false).
        RemoteXBeeZB get_remote_node_by_id(const char * const node_id);

        /* Allow using XBee::set_param() methods for local radio from this class */
        using XBee::set_param;

        /** set_param - sets a parameter in a remote radio by sending an AT command and waiting for the response.
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param param parameter to be set.
         *  @param data the parameter value (4 bytes) to be set.
         *  @returns the command response status.
        virtual AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp set_param(const RemoteXBee& remote, const char * const param, uint32_t data);

        /** set_param - sets a parameter in a remote radio by sending an AT command and waiting for the response.
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param param parameter to be set.
         *  @param data the parameter value byte array (len bytes) to be set.
         *  @param len number of bytes of the parameter value.
         *  @returns the command response status.
        virtual AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp set_param(const RemoteXBee& remote, const char * const param, const uint8_t * data = NULL, uint16_t len = 0);

        /* Allow using XBee::get_param() methods for local radio from this class */
        using XBee::get_param;

        /** get_param - gets a parameter from a remote radio by sending an AT command and waiting for the response.
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param param parameter to be get.
         *  @param data pointer where the param value (4 bytes) will be stored.
         *  @returns the command response status.
        virtual AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp get_param(const RemoteXBee& remote, const char * const param, uint32_t * const data);

        /** get_param - gets a parameter from a remote radio by sending an AT command and waiting for the response.
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param param parameter to be get.
         *  @param data pointer where the param value (n bytes) will be stored.
         *  @param len pointer where the number of bytes of the param value will be stored.
         *  @returns the command response status.
        virtual AtCmdFrame::AtCmdResp get_param(const RemoteXBee& remote, const char * const param, uint8_t * const data, uint16_t * const len);

        /************************* IO member methods **************************/
        /** set_pin_config - configures a radio IO line
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param line IO line being configured
         *  @param mode configuration mode for the selected line
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus set_pin_config(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, IoMode mode);

        /** get_pin_config - gets the configuration of a radio IO line
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param line IO line being read to get its configuration
         *  @param mode pointer where the configuration will be stored
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus get_pin_config(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, IoMode * const mode);

        /** set_dio - sets to low/high a DIO line
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param line DIO line being set
         *  @param val value that will be set in the DIO line
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus set_dio(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, DioVal val);

        /** get_dio - read the value of a DIO configured as digital input
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param line DIO line being read
         *  @param val pointer where the DIO value read will be stored
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus get_dio(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, DioVal * const val);

        /** get_adc - read the value of the espcified ADC line
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param line ADC line being read
         *  @param val pointer where the value read from hte ADC will be stored
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus get_adc(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, uint16_t * const val);

        /** get_iosample - retrieves an @ref IOSampleZB from a remote node. This object can be used to get the remote node's ADC and DIO values.
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @returns IOSampleZB object with the remote node's DIO and ADC values.
        IOSampleZB get_iosample(const RemoteXBee& remote);

        /** set_pin_pull_up - enables or disables the internal pull-up resistor of a line
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param line line being configured for pull-up
         *  @param enable whether to enable the internal pull-up resistor.
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus set_pin_pull_up(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, bool enable);

        /** enable_dio_change_detection - enables or disables the notification when a change is detected in a digital input line.
         * In other words, it will force an IO Sample transmission when the DIO state changes. Only for DIO0 to DIO11.
         *  @param remote remote device
         *  @param line line being configured for pull-up
         *  @param enable whether to enable the internal pull-up resistor.
         *  @returns
         *     Success if the operation was successful,
         *     Failure otherwise
        RadioStatus enable_dio_change_detection(const RemoteXBee& remote, IoLine line, bool enable);


        /** Frame handler used for the node discovery. Registered when a callback function
         * is registered */
        FH_NodeDiscoveryZB  *_nd_handler;

        /** Frame handler used for the rx packets. Automatically registered when a callback
         *  function is registered */
        FH_RxPacketZB  *_rx_pkt_handler;

        /** Frame handler used for the IO Data Sample packets. Automatically registered when a callback
         *  function is registered */
        FH_IoDataSampeZB  *_io_data_handler;

        /** Method called directly by the library when a modem status frame is received to
         * update the internal status variables */
        virtual void radio_status_update(AtCmdFrame::ModemStatus modem_status);

        /* Allow using XBee::send_data() methods from this class */
        using XBee::send_data;

}   /* namespace XBeeLib */

#endif /* __XBEE_ZB_H_ */