--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jul 28 08:17:30 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Aug 14 13:29:50 2016 +0000
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
 #include "MEDIAN_FILTER.h"
 #include <algorithm>
+#include "nRF24L01.h"
+#include "RF24.h"
 #define Ts 0.001
 #define pi 3.14159
@@ -19,6 +23,9 @@
 DigitalOut debugLed_l(A4);
 DigitalOut debugLed_r(A5);
+DigitalIn BrokenIO(D13);
 InterruptIn SCEnable(USER_BUTTON);
@@ -28,8 +35,19 @@
 //void SensorAcquisition(float * data, float samplingTime);
 void bluetoothRx();
-void RXIrqLeft();
-void RXIrqRight();
+//void RXIrqLeft();
+//void RXIrqRight();
+// Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus, and pins 9 (D6) & 10 (A2) on the Shield Shield
+RF24 radio(PB_15, PB_14, PB_13, PB_1, PB_2);//*****MOSI MISO SCK CE CS******
+RF24 radio_r(PB_15, PB_14, PB_13, PB_12, PA_11);
+const uint64_t left_pipe  = 0xF0F0F0F0AA;//These are just arbitrary 64bit numbers to use as pipe identifiers
+const uint64_t right_pipe = 0xF0F0F0F066;//They must be the same on both ends of the communciations
 void SCEnableFunc();
 bool SCEnalbeIndicator;
@@ -38,7 +56,7 @@
 CURRENT_CONTROL motorCur_L(PC_3, D8,  A3,CURRENT_CONTROL::PWM2,400, 900.0,0.0,Ts);
 CURRENT_CONTROL motorCur_R(PC_2, D7, D11,CURRENT_CONTROL::PWM1,400, 900.0,0.0,Ts);
-QEI wheel_L(D13, D12, NC, 280, 250, Ts, QEI::X4_ENCODING);
+QEI wheel_L(PC_9, D12, NC, 280, 250, Ts, QEI::X4_ENCODING);
 QEI wheel_R(A1,  A2,  NC, 280, 250, Ts, QEI::X4_ENCODING);
@@ -67,8 +85,8 @@
 float ref[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
 float torque_L = 0.0, torque_R = 0.0;
-float KL[4] = {-1.9483 ,  -0.1317 ,   0.0006*2  , -0.0112*2};//{-0.7057 ,  -0.0733 ,  -0.0085 ,  -0.0300};
-float KR[4] = {-1.9483,   -0.1317 ,  -0.0112*2 ,   0.0006*2};//{-0.7057 ,  -0.0733 ,  -0.0300 ,  -0.0085};
+float KL[4] = {-0.9666  , -0.1093*0.5  ,0.0,0.0};//-0.0177/2 ,  -0.0641/2};//{-0.7057 ,  -0.0733 ,  -0.0085 ,  -0.0300};
+float KR[4] = {-0.9666  , -0.1093*0.5 ,0.0,0.0};// -0.0641/2  , -0.0177/2};//{-0.7057 ,  -0.0733 ,  -0.0300 ,  -0.0085};
 //********simulated states and multiplying matrices***********************
 float z1_prime[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
@@ -87,6 +105,7 @@
 float Km_R = 1.187*0.137;
 float yawRate = 0.0;
+float yawFeedback = 0.0;
 float velocityCmd[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
 unsigned int accelerateFlag = 0, decelerationFlag = 0;
@@ -108,19 +127,50 @@
 bool sent_flag = 1;
 uint8_t data_sent[18];
-int delay_num = 37;
-float fifo_array[37];
+int delay_num = 3;
+float fifo_array[3];
 float a_vehicle_fifo;
 int fifo_i = 0;
+int16_t recv_l = 0, recv_r = 0;
+float slipVelocity[2] = {0,0};
+int16_t rawData_array[6];
+float data_array[6];
 int main()
-    LeftSerial.baud(230400); //uart commu with photon left
-    RightSerial.baud(230400); //uart commu with photon right
+    radio.begin();//Start up the radio object
+    radio.setRetries(15,15);//This will improve reliability of the module if it encounters interference
+    radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW);//This sets the power low. This will reduce the range. RF24_PA_MAX would increase the range
+    radio.setPayloadSize(8);
+    radio.setChannel(76);
+    radio.openReadingPipe(1,left_pipe);
+    radio.startListening();//Give the module a kick
+    radio_r.begin();//Start up the radio object
+    radio_r.setRetries(15,15);//This will improve reliability of the module if it encounters interference
+    radio_r.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW);//This sets the power low. This will reduce the range. RF24_PA_MAX would increase the range
+    radio_r.setPayloadSize(8);
+    radio_r.setChannel(90);//choose a channel different from left channel=76
+    radio_r.openReadingPipe(1,right_pipe);
+    radio_r.startListening();//Give the module a kick
     if( sensor.begin() != 0 ) {
         pc.printf("Problem starting the sensor with CS @ Pin D6.\r\n");
@@ -135,62 +185,70 @@
     WIPVTimer.attach_us(WIPVTimerInterrupt, Ts*1000.0*1000.0);
     blueTooth.attach(&bluetoothRx, Serial::RxIrq);
-    LeftSerial.attach(&RXIrqLeft, Serial::RxIrq);
-    RightSerial.attach(&RXIrqRight, Serial::RxIrq);
+//    LeftSerial.attach(&RXIrqLeft, Serial::RxIrq);
+//    RightSerial.attach(&RXIrqRight, Serial::RxIrq);
     SCEnalbeIndicator = 0;
     while(true) {
+        //pc.printf("%d, ", rawData_array[0]);
+//        pc.printf("%d, ", rawData_array[1]);
+////        pc.printf("%d, ", data_array[2]);
+////        pc.printf("%d, ", data_array[3]);
+//        pc.printf("%d, ", rawData_array[4]);
+//        pc.printf("%d;\r\n ", rawData_array[5]);
         //pc.printf("%5.4f\t", 10*pitch_angle);
 //        pc.printf("%5.3f\n", 10*sensor.pitch*3.14159/180);
 //        pc.printf("%5.3f\r\n", 10*curCmd_L);
-        //if(sent_flag == 0) {///
-//            pc.putc(data_sent[send_i]);
-//            send_i++;
-//            if(send_i >= 18) {
-//                send_i = 0;
-//                sent_flag = 1;
-//            }
-//        }///
-    pc.printf("%5.4f\t",a_vehicle);
-        pc.printf("%5.4f\t",a_vehicle_fifo);
-//        pc.printf("%5.4f\t", slipAcceleration_L);
-        pc.printf("%5.4f\r\n",slipAcceleration_L);
-//    pc.printf("%5.4f\t",yc[0]);
-//    pc.printf("%5.4f\r\n",yc[1]);
+        pc.printf("%5.4f\t", state[0]);// pitch angle
+        pc.printf("%5.4f\t", state[1]);//pitch angle rate
+        pc.printf("%5.4f\t", state[2]);//left wheel velocity
+        pc.printf("%5.4f\t", state[3]);//right wheel velocity
+        pc.printf("%5.4f\t",    a_slip_L);// left wheel slip acceleration
+        pc.printf("%5.4f\r\n",a_slip_R);// right wheel slip acceleration
+    }
-    }
-void WIPVTimerInterrupt()
-    if(tim_counter <100)tim_counter++;
-    else if (tim_counter >= 100 && tim_counter <=109) {
-        motorCur_L.currentOffset += motorCur_L.currentAnalogIn.read();
-        motorCur_R.currentOffset += motorCur_R.currentAnalogIn.read();
-        tim_counter++;
-        if(tim_counter == 110) {
-            motorCur_L.currentOffset = motorCur_L.currentOffset/10;
-            motorCur_R.currentOffset = motorCur_R.currentOffset/10;
-        }
+    void WIPVTimerInterrupt() {
+        if(tim_counter <100)tim_counter++;
+        else if (tim_counter >= 100 && tim_counter <=109) {
+            motorCur_L.currentOffset += motorCur_L.currentAnalogIn.read();
+            motorCur_R.currentOffset += motorCur_R.currentAnalogIn.read();
+            tim_counter++;
+            if(tim_counter == 110) {
+                motorCur_L.currentOffset = motorCur_L.currentOffset/10;
+                motorCur_R.currentOffset = motorCur_R.currentOffset/10;
+            }
-    } else {
-        //int16_t data_array[6];
+        } else {
+            if( radio.available()) { //Keep checking on each loop to see if any data has come in
+                radio.read(&recv_l, sizeof(int16_t));//Stuff the incoming packet into the motor_code variable
+            }
+//            wait_us(100);
+            if( radio_r.available()) { //Keep checking on each loop to see if any data has come in
+                radio_r.read(&recv_r, sizeof(int16_t));//Stuff the incoming packet into the motor_code variable               
+            }
+            //rawData_array[0] = 0;
+//            rawData_array[1] = 0;
-//        data_array[0]  = sensor.readRawAccelX();
-//        data_array[1]  = sensor.readRawAccelY();
-////        data_array[2]  = sensor.readRawAccelZ();
-////        data_array[3]  = sensor.readRawGyroX();
-//        data_array[4]  = sensor.readRawGyroY();
-//        data_array[5]  = sensor.readRawGyroZ();
-//        pc.printf("%d, ", data_array[0]);
+//        rawData_array[0]  = sensor.readRawAccelX();
+//        rawData_array[1]  = sensor.readRawAccelY();
+////        rawData_array[2]  = sensor.readRawAccelZ();
+////        rawData_array[3]  = sensor.readRawGyroX();
+//        rawData_array[4]  = sensor.readRawGyroY();
+//        rawData_array[5]  = sensor.readRawGyroZ();
+        //pc.printf("%d, ", data_array[0]);
 //        pc.printf("%d, ", data_array[1]);
 ////        pc.printf("%d, ", data_array[2]);
 ////        pc.printf("%d, ", data_array[3]);
@@ -199,305 +257,302 @@
-        float data_array[6];//Gs and deg/s
-        data_array[0]  = sensor.readFloatAccelX();
-        data_array[1]  = sensor.readFloatAccelY();
+           //float data_array[6];//Gs and deg/s
+            data_array[0]  = sensor.readFloatAccelX();
+            data_array[1]  = sensor.readFloatAccelY();
 //        data_array[2]  = sensor.readFloatAccelZ();
 //        data_array[3]  = sensor.readFloatGyroX();
-        data_array[4]  = sensor.readFloatGyroY();
-        data_array[5]  = sensor.readFloatGyroZ();
+            data_array[4]  = sensor.readFloatGyroY();
+            data_array[5]  = sensor.readFloatGyroZ();
-        sensor.complementaryFilter(data_array,Ts);
+            sensor.complementaryFilter(data_array,Ts);
-        //===============wheel speed calculation============//
-        wheel_L.Calculate();
-        wheel_R.Calculate();
+            //===============wheel speed calculation============//
+            wheel_L.Calculate();
+            wheel_R.Calculate();
-        /////////////Balancing Control/////////////////////////
-        //SI dimension
-        state[0] = sensor.pitch*3.14159/180.0;
-        state[1] = sensorFilter1.filter(data_array[5]*3.14159/180.0, 6.0);
-        state[2] = sensorFilter2.filter(wheel_L.getAngularSpeed(),80.0);
-        state[3] = -sensorFilter3.filter(wheel_R.getAngularSpeed(),80.0);
+            /////////////Balancing Control/////////////////////////
+            //SI dimension
+            state[0] = sensor.pitch*3.14159/180.0 +0.08;
+            state[1] = sensorFilter1.filter(data_array[5]*3.14159/180.0, 6.0);
+            state[2] = sensorFilter2.filter(wheel_L.getAngularSpeed(),80.0);
+            state[3] = -sensorFilter3.filter(wheel_R.getAngularSpeed(),80.0);
-        if(accelerateFlag == 1) {
-            if(velocityCmd[0]>=20 || velocityCmd[1]>=20) {
-                accelerateFlag = 0;
-                decelerationFlag = 1;
-            } else {
-                velocityCmd[0] += 0.010;
-                velocityCmd[1] += 0.010;
+            if(accelerateFlag == 1) {
+                if(velocityCmd[0]>=20 || velocityCmd[1]>=20) {
+                    accelerateFlag = 0;
+                    decelerationFlag = 1;
+                } else {
+                    velocityCmd[0] += 0.010;
+                    velocityCmd[1] += 0.010;
+                }
-        }
-        if(decelerationFlag == 1 & velocityCmd[0] > 0.0) {
-            velocityCmd[0] -= 0.015;
-            velocityCmd[1] -= 0.015;
-            if(velocityCmd[0] <= 0.0)decelerationFlag = 0;
-        }
+            if(decelerationFlag == 1 & velocityCmd[0] > 0.0) {
+                velocityCmd[0] -= 0.015;
+                velocityCmd[1] -= 0.015;
+                if(velocityCmd[0] <= 0.0)decelerationFlag = 0;
+            }
-        ref[2] = velocityCmd[0];
-        ref[3] = velocityCmd[1];
+            ref[2] = velocityCmd[0];
+            ref[3] = velocityCmd[1];
-        yawRate = sensorFilter4.filter(data_array[4],9);
+            yawRate = sensorFilter4.filter(data_array[4],9);
-        //===============integration of z1_prime=========================
-        z1_prime[0] += z1_prime_dot[0]*Ts;
-        z1_prime[1] += z1_prime_dot[1]*Ts;
-        z1_prime[2] += z1_prime_dot[2]*Ts;
-        z1_prime[3] += z1_prime_dot[3]*Ts;
+            //===============integration of z1_prime=========================
+            z1_prime[0] += z1_prime_dot[0]*Ts;
+            z1_prime[1] += z1_prime_dot[1]*Ts;
+            z1_prime[2] += z1_prime_dot[2]*Ts;
+            z1_prime[3] += z1_prime_dot[3]*Ts;
-        yc[0] = (KL[0]*(ref[0] - (state[0] - z1_prime[0])) + KL[1]*(ref[1] - (state[1] - z1_prime[1]))\
-                 + KL[2]*(ref[2] - (state[2] - z1_prime[2])) + KL[3]*(ref[3] - (state[3] - z1_prime[3])));
+            yc[0] = (KL[0]*(ref[0] - (state[0] - z1_prime[0])) + KL[1]*(ref[1] - (state[1] - z1_prime[1]))\
+                     + KL[2]*(ref[2] - (state[2] - z1_prime[2])) + KL[3]*(ref[3] - (state[3] - z1_prime[3])));
-        yc[1] = (KR[0]*(ref[0] - (state[0] - z1_prime[0])) + KR[1]*(ref[1] - (state[1] - z1_prime[1]))\
-                 + KR[2]*(ref[2] - (state[2] - z1_prime[2])) + KR[3]*(ref[3] - (state[3] - z1_prime[3])));
+            yc[1] = (KR[0]*(ref[0] - (state[0] - z1_prime[0])) + KR[1]*(ref[1] - (state[1] - z1_prime[1]))\
+                     + KR[2]*(ref[2] - (state[2] - z1_prime[2])) + KR[3]*(ref[3] - (state[3] - z1_prime[3])));
-        //=========================Anti slip control=============================//
-        //***********filtering the slip acceleration of two wheels********************
-        a_vehicle = (data_array[0]*cos(state[0]) - data_array[1]*sin(state[0]))*9.791;//compute acceleration of vehicle using lsm9ds0
-        //fifo delay
-        a_vehicle_fifo = fifo_array[fifo_i];
+            //=========================Anti slip control=============================//
+            //***********filtering the slip acceleration of two wheels********************
+            a_vehicle = (data_array[0]*cos(state[0]) - data_array[1]*sin(state[0]))*9.791;//compute acceleration of vehicle using lsm9ds0
+            //fifo delay
+            a_vehicle_fifo = fifo_array[fifo_i];
 //        delay_num = sizeof(fifo_array);
-        fifo_array[fifo_i] = a_vehicle;
-        fifo_i++;
-        if(fifo_i >= delay_num)fifo_i = 0;
+            fifo_array[fifo_i] = a_vehicle;
+            fifo_i++;
+            if(fifo_i >= delay_num)fifo_i = 0;
-        //pc.printf("%5.2f\t", a_vehicle);
+            //pc.printf("%5.2f\t", a_vehicle);
 ////        pc.printf("%5.2f\t",slipAcceleration_L_f);
 //        pc.printf("%5.2f\r\n",slipAcceleration_R_f);
-        a_slip_L = slipAcceleration_L - a_vehicle_fifo;
-        a_slip_R = slipAcceleration_R - a_vehicle_fifo;
+            a_slip_L = ((float)recv_l)/1000.0 - a_vehicle_fifo;
+            a_slip_R = -((float)recv_r)/1000.0 - a_vehicle_fifo;
-        float alpha = 40.0;//HZ
-        slipAcceleration_L_f = (1 - alpha*2*3.141593*Ts)*slipAcceleration_L_f + alpha*2*3.141593*Ts*a_slip_L;
-        slipAcceleration_R_f = (1 - alpha*2*3.141593*Ts)*slipAcceleration_R_f + alpha*2*3.141593*Ts*a_slip_R;
+            float alpha = 200.0;//HZ
+            slipAcceleration_L_f = (1 - alpha*2*3.141593*Ts)*slipAcceleration_L_f + alpha*2*3.141593*Ts*a_slip_L;
+            slipAcceleration_R_f = (1 - alpha*2*3.141593*Ts)*slipAcceleration_R_f + alpha*2*3.141593*Ts*a_slip_R;
-        if(SCEnalbeIndicator == 0) {
-            slipAcceleration_L_f_d = 0;
-            slipAcceleration_R_f_d = 0;
+            if(SCEnalbeIndicator == 0) {
+                slipAcceleration_L_f_d = 0;
+                slipAcceleration_R_f_d = 0;
-        } else {
-            //***********dead zone************************//
-            float deadzone = 0.0;
-            if(slipAcceleration_L_f < deadzone & slipAcceleration_L_f > -deadzone)slipAcceleration_L_f_d = 0;
-            else slipAcceleration_L_f_d = slipAcceleration_L_f;
+            } else {
+                //***********dead zone************************//
+                float deadzone = 0.0;
+                if(slipAcceleration_L_f < deadzone & slipAcceleration_L_f > -deadzone)slipAcceleration_L_f_d = 0;
+                else slipAcceleration_L_f_d = slipAcceleration_L_f;
-            if(slipAcceleration_R_f < deadzone & slipAcceleration_R_f > -deadzone)slipAcceleration_R_f_d = 0;
-            else slipAcceleration_R_f_d = slipAcceleration_R_f;
+                if(slipAcceleration_R_f < deadzone & slipAcceleration_R_f > -deadzone)slipAcceleration_R_f_d = 0;
+                else slipAcceleration_R_f_d = slipAcceleration_R_f;
-        }
+            }
-        //***************simulated plant feedback**************
-        v1[0] = -(Ks0[0]*z1_prime[0] + Ks0[1]*z1_prime[1] + Ks0[2]*z1_prime[2] + Ks0[3]*z1_prime[3]);
-        v1[1] = -(Ks1[0]*z1_prime[0] + Ks1[1]*z1_prime[1] + Ks1[2]*z1_prime[2] + Ks1[3]*z1_prime[3]);
+            //***************simulated plant feedback**************
+            v1[0] = -(Ks0[0]*z1_prime[0] + Ks0[1]*z1_prime[1] + Ks0[2]*z1_prime[2] + Ks0[3]*z1_prime[3]);
+            v1[1] = -(Ks1[0]*z1_prime[0] + Ks1[1]*z1_prime[1] + Ks1[2]*z1_prime[2] + Ks1[3]*z1_prime[3]);
-        //**********simulated dynamics*****************
-        z1_prime_dot[0] =  A1_prime0[0]*z1_prime[0] + A1_prime0[1]*z1_prime[1]+A1_prime0[2]*z1_prime[2]+A1_prime0[3]*z1_prime[3]\
-                           + B11_prime0[0]*v1[0]+ B11_prime0[1]*v1[1]\
-                           + B31_0[0]*slipAcceleration_L_f_d+ B31_0[1]*slipAcceleration_R_f_d;
+            //**********simulated dynamics*****************
+            z1_prime_dot[0] =  A1_prime0[0]*z1_prime[0] + A1_prime0[1]*z1_prime[1]+A1_prime0[2]*z1_prime[2]+A1_prime0[3]*z1_prime[3]\
+                               + B11_prime0[0]*v1[0]+ B11_prime0[1]*v1[1]\
+                               + B31_0[0]*slipAcceleration_L_f_d+ B31_0[1]*slipAcceleration_R_f_d;
+            z1_prime_dot[1] =  A1_prime1[0]*z1_prime[0] + A1_prime1[1]*z1_prime[1]+A1_prime1[2]*z1_prime[2]+A1_prime1[3]*z1_prime[3]\
+                               + B11_prime1[0]*v1[0]+ B11_prime1[1]*v1[1]\
+                               + B31_1[0]*slipAcceleration_L_f_d+ B31_1[1]*slipAcceleration_R_f_d;
-        z1_prime_dot[1] =  A1_prime1[0]*z1_prime[0] + A1_prime1[1]*z1_prime[1]+A1_prime1[2]*z1_prime[2]+A1_prime1[3]*z1_prime[3]\
-                           + B11_prime1[0]*v1[0]+ B11_prime1[1]*v1[1]\
-                           + B31_1[0]*slipAcceleration_L_f_d+ B31_1[1]*slipAcceleration_R_f_d;
+            z1_prime_dot[2] =  A1_prime2[0]*z1_prime[0] + A1_prime2[1]*z1_prime[1]+A1_prime2[2]*z1_prime[2]+A1_prime2[3]*z1_prime[3]\
+                               + B11_prime2[0]*v1[0]+ B11_prime2[1]*v1[1]\
+                               + B31_2[0]*slipAcceleration_L_f_d+ B31_2[1]*slipAcceleration_R_f_d;
-        z1_prime_dot[2] =  A1_prime2[0]*z1_prime[0] + A1_prime2[1]*z1_prime[1]+A1_prime2[2]*z1_prime[2]+A1_prime2[3]*z1_prime[3]\
-                           + B11_prime2[0]*v1[0]+ B11_prime2[1]*v1[1]\
-                           + B31_2[0]*slipAcceleration_L_f_d+ B31_2[1]*slipAcceleration_R_f_d;
+            z1_prime_dot[3] =  A1_prime3[0]*z1_prime[0] + A1_prime3[1]*z1_prime[1]+A1_prime3[2]*z1_prime[2]+A1_prime3[3]*z1_prime[3]\
+                               + B11_prime3[0]*v1[0]+ B11_prime3[1]*v1[1]\
+                               + B31_3[0]*slipAcceleration_L_f_d+ B31_3[1]*slipAcceleration_R_f_d;
-        z1_prime_dot[3] =  A1_prime3[0]*z1_prime[0] + A1_prime3[1]*z1_prime[1]+A1_prime3[2]*z1_prime[2]+A1_prime3[3]*z1_prime[3]\
-                           + B11_prime3[0]*v1[0]+ B11_prime3[1]*v1[1]\
-                           + B31_3[0]*slipAcceleration_L_f_d+ B31_3[1]*slipAcceleration_R_f_d;
-        torque_L = -((yc[0] + v1[0])/Km_L) + 0.015*yawRate;
-        torque_R =  ((yc[1] + v1[1])/Km_R) + 0.015*yawRate;
+            yawFeedback += 0.004*yawRate*Ts;
+            torque_L = -((yc[0] + v1[0])/Km_L) + 0.008*yawRate + yawFeedback;
+            torque_R =  ((yc[1] + v1[1])/Km_R) + 0.008*yawRate + yawFeedback;
-        //************motor torque control*****************
-//        motorCur_L.Control(saturation(torque_L,1.3,-1.3), state[2]);
-//        motorCur_R.Control(saturation(torque_R,1.3,-1.3), -state[3]);
+            //************motor torque control*****************
+        motorCur_L.Control(saturation(torque_L,1.3,-1.3), state[2]);
+        motorCur_R.Control(saturation(torque_R,1.3,-1.3), -state[3]);
+            //**************sending data to PC******************
+            if(send_counter < 40)send_counter++;
-        //**************sending data to PC******************
-        if(send_counter < 40)send_counter++;
-        else if( sent_flag == 1 & send_counter >= 40) {
-            send_counter = 0;
-            int multiplier = 500;
-            data_sent[0] = 0xAA;
-            data_sent[1] = 0x55;
+            else if( sent_flag == 1 & send_counter >= 40) {
+                send_counter = 0;
+                int multiplier = 500;
+                data_sent[0] = 0xAA;
+                data_sent[1] = 0x55;
-            data_sent[2] = ((int16_t)((state[0])*multiplier)) >>8;
-            data_sent[3] = ((int16_t)((state[0])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            data_sent[4] = ((int16_t)(state[1]*multiplier)) >>8;
-            data_sent[5] = ((int16_t)(state[1]*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
+                data_sent[2] = ((int16_t)((state[0])*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[3] = ((int16_t)((state[0])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
+                data_sent[4] = ((int16_t)(state[1]*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[5] = ((int16_t)(state[1]*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            data_sent[6] = ((int16_t)((v1[0])*multiplier)) >>8;
-            data_sent[7] = ((int16_t)((v1[0])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            data_sent[8] = ((int16_t)((v1[1])*multiplier)) >>8;
-            data_sent[9] = ((int16_t)((v1[1])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
+                data_sent[6] = ((int16_t)((v1[0])*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[7] = ((int16_t)((v1[0])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
+                data_sent[8] = ((int16_t)((v1[1])*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[9] = ((int16_t)((v1[1])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            data_sent[10] = ((int16_t)((yc[0])*multiplier)) >>8;
-            data_sent[11] = ((int16_t)((yc[0])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            data_sent[12] = ((int16_t)((yc[1])*multiplier)) >>8;
-            data_sent[13] = ((int16_t)((yc[1])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            //data_sent[10] = ((int16_t)((-a_vehicle)*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[10] = ((int16_t)((yc[0])*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[11] = ((int16_t)((yc[0])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
+                data_sent[12] = ((int16_t)((yc[1])*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[13] = ((int16_t)((yc[1])*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
+                //data_sent[10] = ((int16_t)((-a_vehicle)*multiplier)) >>8;
 //            data_sent[11] = ((int16_t)((-a_vehicle)*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
 //            data_sent[12] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_R_m)*multiplier)) >>8;
 //            data_sent[13] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_R_m)*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            data_sent[14] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_L)*multiplier)) >>8;
-            data_sent[15] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_L)*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            data_sent[16] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_R)*multiplier)) >>8;
-            data_sent[17] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_R)*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
+                data_sent[14] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_L)*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[15] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_L)*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
+                data_sent[16] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_R)*multiplier)) >>8;
+                data_sent[17] = ((int16_t)((slipAcceleration_R)*multiplier)) & 0x00FF;
-            sent_flag = 0;
+                sent_flag = 0;
-        }
+            }
-        /*  //PD Balancing Control
-                balancingPD.Compute(0.0, sensor.pitch*3.14159/180);
-                curCmd_R = sensorFilter.filter(saturation(0.5*( -balancingPD.output + 0.002*data_array[5]),1.0, -1.0),10);
-                //======================current control=========================//
-                tim += Ts;
-                if(tim >= 4*pi/omega)tim = 0.0;
-                //curCmd_R = amp*sin(omega*tim); //current command
-                //curCmd_L = 0.8;
+            /*  //PD Balancing Control
+                    balancingPD.Compute(0.0, sensor.pitch*3.14159/180);
+                    curCmd_R = sensorFilter.filter(saturation(0.5*( -balancingPD.output + 0.002*data_array[5]),1.0, -1.0),10);
+                    //======================current control=========================//
+                    tim += Ts;
+                    if(tim >= 4*pi/omega)tim = 0.0;
+                    //curCmd_R = amp*sin(omega*tim); //current command
+                    //curCmd_L = 0.8;
-                motorCur_R.SetPWMDuty(0.75);
+                    motorCur_R.SetPWMDuty(0.75);
-                motorCur_L.Control(-curCmd_R + 0.002*data_array[4], wheel_L.getAngularSpeed());
-                motorCur_R.Control(curCmd_R  + 0.002*data_array[4], wheel_R.getAngularSpeed());
-        */
+                    motorCur_L.Control(-curCmd_R + 0.002*data_array[4], wheel_L.getAngularSpeed());
+                    motorCur_R.Control(curCmd_R  + 0.002*data_array[4], wheel_R.getAngularSpeed());
+            */
+        }
-void  bluetoothRx()
-    while(pc.readable()) {
-        char charRx = pc.getc();
-        switch(charRx) {
-            case 'w'://forward
-                velocityCmd[0] = 2.5;
-                velocityCmd[1] = 2.5;
-                accelerateFlag = 0;
-                break;
-            case 's'://backward
-                velocityCmd[0] = -3.0;
-                velocityCmd[1] = -3.0;
-                accelerateFlag = 0;
-                break;
-            case 'a'://turn left
-                velocityCmd[0] = -4.0;
-                velocityCmd[1] = 4.0;
-                accelerateFlag = 0;
-                break;
-            case 'd'://turn right
-                velocityCmd[0] = 4.0;
-                velocityCmd[1] = -4.0;
-                accelerateFlag = 0;
-                break;
-            case 'x'://stop
-                velocityCmd[0] = 0.0;
-                velocityCmd[1] = 0.0;
-                accelerateFlag = 0;
-                break;
+    void  bluetoothRx() {
+        while(blueTooth.readable()) {
+            char charRx = blueTooth.getc();
+//            debugLed_l = !debugLed_l;
+            switch(charRx) {
+                case 'w'://forward
+                    ref[0] = 0.30;
+                    break;
+                case 's'://backward
+                    ref[0] = -0.3;
+                    break;
+                //case 'a'://turn left
+//                    velocityCmd[0] = -4.0;
+//                    velocityCmd[1] = 4.0;
+//                    accelerateFlag = 0;
+//                    break;
+//                case 'd'://turn right
+//                    velocityCmd[0] = 4.0;
+//                    velocityCmd[1] = -4.0;
+//                    accelerateFlag = 0;
+//                    break;
+                case 'x'://stop
+                    //velocityCmd[0] = 0.0;
+//                    velocityCmd[1] = 0.0;
+//                    accelerateFlag = 0;
+                    ref[0] = 0.0;
+                    break;
-            case 'q'://accelerate
-//                debugLed_l = !debugLed_l;
-                accelerateFlag = 1;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-void RXIrqLeft()
-    if(LeftSerial.readable()) {
-        debugLed_l = !debugLed_l;
-        uint8_t c = LeftSerial.getc();
-        cLast_l = c;
-        if( c == 0xAA) {
-            i_l = 0;
-            headerCaptured_l = 1;
-        } else if(headerCaptured_l)  {
-            fromPhoton_l[i_l] = c;
-            i_l++;
-            if(i_l == 2) {
-                headerCaptured_l = 0;
-                slipAcceleration_L = (float)((int16_t)(fromPhoton_l[0]*256+fromPhoton_l[1])*0.92)/1000.0;
-//                pc.printf("%5.4f\t",(float)slipAcceleration_L_f);
-//                pc.printf("%5.4f\r\n",(float)slipAcceleration_R_f);
+                //case 'q'://accelerate
+////                debugLed_l = !debugLed_l;
+//                    accelerateFlag = 1;
+//                    break;
+    //void RXIrqLeft() {
+//        if(LeftSerial.readable()) {
+//            debugLed_l = !debugLed_l;
+//            uint8_t c = LeftSerial.getc();
+//            cLast_l = c;
+//            if( c == 0xAA) {
+//                i_l = 0;
+//                headerCaptured_l = 1;
+//            } else if(headerCaptured_l)  {
+//                fromPhoton_l[i_l] = c;
+//                i_l++;
+//                if(i_l == 2) {
+//                    headerCaptured_l = 0;
+//                    slipAcceleration_L = (float)((int16_t)(fromPhoton_l[0]*256+fromPhoton_l[1])*0.92)/1000.0;
+////                pc.printf("%5.4f\t",(float)slipAcceleration_L_f);
+////                pc.printf("%5.4f\r\n",(float)slipAcceleration_R_f);
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//    }
+//    void RXIrqRight() {
+//        //  slipAcceleration_L += 0.1;
+//        if(RightSerial.readable()) {
+//            debugLed_r = !debugLed_r;
+//            uint8_t c = RightSerial.getc();
+//            cLast_r = c;
+////        pc.printf("%5.4f\r\n",(float)cLast_r);
+//            if( c == 0xAA) {
+//                headerCaptured_r = 1;
+//                i_r = 0;
+//            } else if(headerCaptured_r) {
+//                fromPhoton_r[i_r] = c;
+//                i_r++;
+//                if(i_r == 2) {
+//                    headerCaptured_r = 0;
+//                    slipAcceleration_R = -(float)((int16_t)(fromPhoton_r[0]*256+fromPhoton_r[1])*1.18)/1000.0;
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//    }
-void RXIrqRight()
-    //  slipAcceleration_L += 0.1;
-    if(RightSerial.readable()) {
-        debugLed_r = !debugLed_r;
-        uint8_t c = RightSerial.getc();
-        cLast_r = c;
-//        pc.printf("%5.4f\r\n",(float)cLast_r);
-        if( c == 0xAA) {
-            headerCaptured_r = 1;
-            i_r = 0;
-        } else if(headerCaptured_r) {
-            fromPhoton_r[i_r] = c;
-            i_r++;
-            if(i_r == 2) {
-                headerCaptured_r = 0;
-                slipAcceleration_R = -(float)((int16_t)(fromPhoton_r[0]*256+fromPhoton_r[1])*1.18)/1000.0;
-            }
-        }
+    float saturation(float input, float limit_H, float limit_L) {
+        float output;
+        if(input >= limit_H)output = limit_H;
+        else if (input <= limit_L)output = limit_L;
+        else output = input;
+        return output;
-float saturation(float input, float limit_H, float limit_L)
-    float output;
-    if(input >= limit_H)output = limit_H;
-    else if (input <= limit_L)output = limit_L;
-    else output = input;
-    return output;
 //void SensorAcquisition(float * data, float samplingTime)
@@ -526,9 +581,9 @@
-void SCEnableFunc()
+    void SCEnableFunc() {
 //    debugLed_l = !debugLed_l;
-    accelerateFlag = 1;
-    SCEnalbeIndicator = !SCEnalbeIndicator;
+//        accelerateFlag = 1;
+//        ref[0] = 0.2;
+        SCEnalbeIndicator = !SCEnalbeIndicator;
+    }