Dependencies:   Motor Servo22oct mbed

Fork of projecto0003030020 by Collinz is a bo$$_17



File content as of revision 6:29245562bba3:

//Project X
// Jordan Kangwijaya, Gabe Collins, Kyle Schaff

#include "mbed.h"
#include "Servo.h"
#include "Motor.h"

BusIn Switch(p16,p17,p18,p19); //declares switches
BusOut LED(p5,p6,p7,p8,p11); //declares LEDs

Motor m(p26,p29,p30); //declares motor
Servo servo1(p21); //top    .39 to 1.02 declares servos
Servo servo2(p22); //bottom .38 to .93

float servopos; //variable will be used to control servo positions
float motorspeed=.35; //variable will be used to control motorspeed
int counter=0; 
int counter1=0; //counters will be used later to control LEDs

int main()
    while(1) { //so switches always work, and program is constantly checking on switches being on or off

        while (Switch==1) { //while switch 1 is on

            for(servopos=.40; servopos<=.60; servopos+=.03) {
                servo1=.7; //sets constant position for servo1
                servo2=servopos; //sets servo2's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 1 to position 2
                motorspeed=0; //no motor speed for this level
                counter=counter+1; //counter will count up by one each iteration
                counter1=counter%20;  //counter 2 will count up until it reaches 20, then starts over  
                if (counter1==17) { //every twentieth iteration, on the seventeenth, this happens
                    LED=rand()%129; //sets LEDs to randomly light up
                wait (.1); //low wait time for smooth motion
            for(servopos=.60; servopos>=.40; servopos-=.03) {
                servo1=.7; //sets constant position for servo1
                servo2=servopos; //sets servo2's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 2 to position 1
                motorspeed=0; //no motor speed for this level
                counter=counter+1; //counter will count up by one each iteration
                counter1=counter%20; //counter 2 will count up until it reaches 20, then starts over  
                if (counter1==17) { //every twentieth iteration, on the seventeenth, this happens
                    LED=rand()%129; //sets LEDs to randomly light up
                wait (.1); //low wait time for smooth motion
        while(Switch==2) {

            for(servopos=.40; servopos<=.60; servopos+=.03) {
                servo1=servopos+.2; //sets servo1's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 1 to position 2
                motorspeed=0; //no motor speed for this level
                counter=counter+1; //counter will count up by one each iteration
                counter1=counter%20; //counter 2 will count up until it reaches 20, then starts over  
                if (counter1==17) { //every twentieth iteration, on the seventeenth, this happens
                    LED=rand()%129; //sets LEDs to randomly light up
                wait (.03); //low wait time for smooth motion
            for(servopos=.60; servopos>=.40; servopos-=.03) {
                servo1=servopos+.2; //sets servo1's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 2 to position 1
                motorspeed=0; //no motor speed for this level
                counter=counter+1; //counter will count up by one each iteration
                counter1=counter%20; //counter 2 will count up until it reaches 20, then starts over  
                if (counter1==17) { //every twentieth iteration, on the seventeenth, this happens
                    LED=rand()%129; //sets LEDs to randomly light up
                wait (.03); //low wait time for smooth motion
        while(Switch==4) {

            for(servopos=.40; servopos<=.60; servopos+=.03) {
                servo1=servopos+.2; //sets servo1's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 1 to position 2
                servo2=servopos; //sets servo2's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 1 to position 2
                counter=counter+1; //counter will count up by one each iteration
                counter1=counter%20; //counter 2 will count up until it reaches 20, then starts over  
                if (counter1==17) { //every twentieth iteration, on the seventeenth, this happens
                    LED=rand()%129; //sets LEDs to randomly light up
                wait (.02); //low wait time for smooth motion
            for(servopos=.60; servopos>=.40; servopos-=.03) {
                servo1=servopos+.2; //sets servo1's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 2 to position 1
                servo2=servopos; //sets servo2's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 2 to position 1
                counter=counter+1; //counter will count up by one each iteration
                counter1=counter%20; //counter 2 will count up until it reaches 20, then starts over  
                if (counter1==17) { //every twentieth iteration, on the seventeenth, this happens
                    LED=rand()%129; //sets LEDs to randomly light up
                wait (.02); //low wait time for smooth motion

        while(Switch==8) {
            for(servopos=.40; servopos<=.60; servopos+=.03) {
                servo1=servopos+.2; //sets servo1's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 1 to position 2
                servo2=servopos; //sets servo2's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 1 to position 2
                counter=counter+1; //counter will count up by one each iteration
                counter1=counter%20; //counter 2 will count up until it reaches 20, then starts over  
                if (counter1==17) { //every twentieth iteration, on the seventeenth, this happens
                    LED=rand()%129; //sets LEDs to randomly light up
                wait (.025); //low wait time for smooth motion
            for(servopos=.60; servopos>=.40; servopos-=.03) {
                servo1=servopos+.2; //sets servo2's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 2 to position 1
                servo2=servopos; //sets servo2's position equal to the variable in the for loop, moving the servo from position 2 to position 1
                counter=counter+1; //counter will count up by one each iteration
                counter1=counter%20; //counter 2 will count up until it reaches 20, then starts over  
                if (counter1==17) { //every twentieth iteration, on the seventeenth, this happens
                    LED=rand()%129; //sets LEDs to randomly light up
                wait (.025); //low wait time for smooth motion

        while(Switch==0) {  //neutral position when no switches are on 
            servo1=.7; //neutral position when no switches are on 
            servo2=.5; //neutral position when no switches are on 
            motorspeed=0; //neutral motor speed when no switches are on