
Dependents:   2017_11_1768 2017_11_1768 201803_oshima_jodan 201803_oshima_gedan

Fork of BMP180 by Spiridion Mbed

diff -r 072073c79cfd -r 5230f93e755b BMP180.h
--- a/BMP180.h	Mon Mar 17 20:42:23 2014 +0000
+++ b/BMP180.h	Mon Nov 21 15:20:42 2016 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,4 @@
-  @file BMP180.h
-  @brief Barometric Pressure and Temperature Sensor BMP180 Breakout I2C Library      
-  @Author spiridion (
-  Tested on LPC1768 and FRDM-KL25Z
-  Copyright (c) 2014 spiridion
-  Released under the MIT License (see
-  Documentation regarding the BMP180 can be found here: 
 #ifndef BMP180_H
 #define BMP180_H
@@ -31,108 +17,22 @@
 #define UNSET_BMP180_TEMPERATURE_VALUE -273.15F // absolute zero
-/** BMP180 class.
- *  Read Pressure and temperature from the BMP180 Breakout I2C sensor
- *
- * Example:
- * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "BMP180.h"
- * 
- * #if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
- *     #define PIN_SDA p9
- *     #define PIN_SCL p10
- * #elif defined(TARGET_KL25Z) // watch out for the PTE0/PTE1 mixed up in the KL25Z doc 
- *     #define PIN_SDA PTE0
- *     #define PIN_SCL PTE1
- * #endif
- * 
- * int main() 
- * {    
- *     BMP180 bmp180(PIN_SDA, PIN_SCL);
- *     float pressure, temperature;
- *     
- *     // bmp180.Initialize(); // no altitude compensation and normal oversampling 
- *     bmp180.Initialize(64, BMP180_OSS_ULTRA_LOW_POWER); // 64m altitude compensation and low power oversampling
- *     
- *     while(1) 
- *     {        
- *         if (bmp180.ReadData(&pressure, &temperature))
- *             printf("Pressure(hPa): %8.2f \t Temperature(C): %8.2f\n", pressure, temperature);  
- *         wait(1);
- *     }
- * }
- * @endcode
- */
 class BMP180 
-    /** Create a BMP180 instance
-     * @param sda pin 
-     * @param scl pin 
-     * @param address: I2C slave address 
-     */
     BMP180(PinName sda, PinName scl, int address = BMP180_I2C_ADDRESS); 
-    /** Create a BMP180 instance
-     * @param i2c object
-     * @param address: I2C slave address 
-     */
     BMP180(I2C& i2c, int address = BMP180_I2C_ADDRESS); 
-    /** Initialization: set member values and read BMP180 calibration parameters
-     * @param altitude (in meter)
-     * @param overSamplingSetting 
-     */
     int Initialize(float altitude = 0.F, int overSamplingSetting = BMP180_OSS_NORMAL);
-    /** Read pressure and temperature from the BMP180.
-     * @param pressure (hPa) 
-     * @param temperature (C) 
-     * @returns
-     *   1 on success,
-     *   0 on error
-     */    
     int ReadData(float* pTemperature = NULL, float* pPressure = NULL);
-    /** Get temperature from a previous measurement 
-     *  
-     * @returns
-     *   temperature (C)
-     */    
     float GetTemperature() {return m_temperature;};
-     /** Get pressure from a previous measurement 
-     *  
-     * @returns
-     *   pressure (hPa)
-     */    
    float GetPressure() {return m_pressure;};
-    /** Perform temperature measurement
-     *  
-     * @returns
-     *   temperature (C)
-     */    
     int ReadRawTemperature(long* pUt);
-    /** Perform pressure measurement 
-     *  
-     * @returns
-     *   temperature (C)
-     */    
     int ReadRawPressure(long* pUp);
-    /** Calculation of the temperature from the digital output
-     */    
     float TrueTemperature(long ut);
-    /** Calculation of the pressure from the digital output
-     */    
     float TruePressure(long up);
     int m_oss;