Displays user interactions with menus displayed on a console or a serial terminal.

Dependents:   EVAL-AD568x-AD569x EVAL-AD7124 EVAL-AD5592R EVAL-AD717x-AD411x ... more

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00001 /*!
00002  *****************************************************************************
00003   @file:  adi_console_menu.h
00005   @brief:   A simple console menu manager handler
00007   @details:
00008  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009  Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Analog Devices, Inc.
00010  All rights reserved.
00012  This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
00013  By using this software you agree to the terms of the associated
00014  Analog Devices Software License Agreement.
00016 *****************************************************************************/
00017 #ifndef ADI_CONSOLE_MENU_H_
00018 #define ADI_CONSOLE_MENU_H_
00020 /******************************************************************************/
00021 /***************************** Include Files **********************************/
00022 /******************************************************************************/
00023 #include <stdbool.h>
00024 #include <stdint.h>
00025 #include <limits.h>
00027 /******************************************************************************/
00028 /********************** Macros and Constants Definition ***********************/
00029 /******************************************************************************/
00030 #define MENU_ESCAPED          INT_MAX
00031 #define MENU_CONTINUE         INT_MAX-1
00032 #define MENU_DONE             INT_MAX-2
00034 #define ESCAPE_KEY_CODE         (char)0x1B
00036 #define EOL "\r\n"
00038 /* ANSI VT100 escape sequence codes */
00039 #define VT100_MOVE_UP_1_LINE        "\033[A"
00040 #define VT100_MOVE_UP_N_LINES       "\x1B[%dA"
00041 #define VT100_CLEAR_CURRENT_LINE    "\x1B[J"
00042 #define VT100_CLEAR_CONSOLE         "\x1B[2J"
00043 #define VT100_MOVE_TO_HOME          "\x1B[H"
00044 #define VT100_COLORED_TEXT          "\x1B[%dm"
00046 #ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
00047 #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) ((sizeof (x)) / (sizeof ((x)[0])))
00048 #endif
00050 /*  ANSI VT100 color codes */
00051 enum vt100_colors {
00052     VT_FG_DEFAULT = 0,
00053     VT_FG_RED = 31,
00054     VT_FG_GREEN = 32,
00055     VT_FG_YELLOW = 33,
00056     VT_FG_BLUE = 34,
00057     VT_FG_MAGENTA = 35,
00058     VT_FG_CYAN = 36,
00059     VT_FG_WHITE = 37
00060 };
00062 /******************************************************************************/
00063 /********************** Variables and User Defined Data Types *****************/
00064 /******************************************************************************/
00065 /* This define the state of the console menu library*/
00066 typedef struct {
00067     // Stores the error code from the last menu action.
00068     int32_t last_error_code;
00069 } console_menu_state;
00071 /* Type Definitions */
00072 // Each menu item is defined by this struct
00073 typedef struct {
00074     // String displayed for menu item
00075     char * text;
00076     // character that can be pressed to select menu item
00077     char  shortcutKey;
00078     // Function to be called when menu item is selected, if NULL, no function is called
00079     int32_t (*action)(uint32_t option);
00080     // Submenu to be called when menu item is selected, if NULL, no sub menu is displayed
00081     struct console_menu *submenu;
00082     // id value passed as the option value when calling menuAction
00083     uint32_t id;
00084 } console_menu_item;
00086 // This defines a complete menu with items
00087 typedef struct {
00088     // String to be displayed as the menu title
00089     char * title;
00090     // Array of all the menu items
00091     console_menu_item * items;
00092     // Number of menuItems
00093     uint8_t itemCount;
00094     // Function alled before Menu title is displayed if defined
00095     void (*headerItem)(void);
00096     // Function called after menu items are displayed if defined
00097     void (*footerItem)(void);
00098     // Should the escape key to exit the menu be enabled?
00099     bool enableEscapeKey;
00100 } console_menu;
00102 /******************************************************************************/
00103 /*****************************  Public Declarations ***************************/
00104 /******************************************************************************/
00105 int32_t adi_do_console_menu(const console_menu * menu);
00106 int32_t adi_get_decimal_int(uint8_t input_len);
00107 uint32_t adi_get_hex_integer(uint8_t input_len);
00108 float adi_get_decimal_float(uint8_t input_len);
00109 int32_t adi_handle_user_input_integer(const char* menu_prompt,
00110     uint16_t min_val,
00111     uint16_t max_val,
00112     uint16_t *input_val,
00113     uint8_t input_len,
00114     uint8_t max_attempts,
00115     uint8_t clear_lines);
00116 int32_t adi_handle_user_input_float(const char* menu_prompt,
00117     float min_val,
00118     float max_val,
00119     float *input_val,
00120     uint8_t input_len,
00121     uint8_t max_attempts,
00122     uint8_t clear_lines);
00123 void adi_clear_console(void);
00124 void adi_clear_last_menu_error(void);
00125 int32_t adi_get_last_menu_error(void);
00126 void adi_press_any_key_to_continue(void);
00128 extern console_menu_state adi_console_menu_state;
00130 #endif /* ADI_CONSOLE_MENU_H_ */