Example program for EVAL-AD1234.

Dependencies:   ADE120x



File content as of revision 7:b13d151712da:

 @file       main.cpp
 @brief      Main file. This file uses the ADE120x drivers to configure the ADE1202
             Use AN-2034 in conjunction with this example and EVAL-ADE1202EBZ 
 @version    V0.0.1
 @author     ADI
 @date       October 2019
 Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 This software is proprietary to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors.
 By using this software you agree to the terms of the associated
 Analog Devices Software License Agreement. 

#include "ADE120x.h"
#include "mbed.h"

#define ADC_PGA ADCPGA_10   /* Choose ADCPGA_1, ADCPGA_2, ADCPGA_5, ADCPGA_10 */
#define V_Gain  0.003832    /* This is the gain of the Resistor divider network 
                               before the input to the ADE1202 */

//Platform IOs and Timers
InterruptIn DOUT1(SDP_GPIO_0);    /* Init pin connected to U0, DOUT0 on EVAL-ADE1202EBZ*/
InterruptIn DOUT2(SDP_GPIO_1);    /* Init pin connected to U0, DOUT1 on EVAL-ADE1202EBZ*/

/* ADE1202 Class defined with SPI */

/* Initialize the serial port */
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

uint8_t DOUT1_Status, DOUT2_Status = 0;
float voltage = 0.0; 

/* Interrupt Handlers for DOUT1 and DOUT2 */
void DOUT1_Int()
    DOUT1_Status = 1;   

void DOUT2_Int()
    DOUT2_Status = 1;   

/* main() runs in its own thread in the OS */
int main()
    uint8_t addr = 0x0;                /* address of ADE120x device from 0x0 to 0xF*/
    uint16_t filter_val;
    uint16_t device_id;
    THRESHCfg_Type thresh_cfg;
    PLOADCfg_Type plload_cfg;
    EnergyMtrCfg_Type enrgymtr_cfg;
    RegisterData_Type reg_data[20];     /* Buffer to read back register settings 
                                          after configuration to confirm values */
    /* Intialize interrupts to fire on rising edge*/
    /* Initialize Uart with baud rate of 230400*/
    pc.printf("ADE1202 Demo Application \n\r");
    /* Reset the ADE1202 */

    /* Read back device ID */
    device_id = ade1202.GetDevID(addr);
    if((device_id & DEV_ADE1202) == DEV_ADE1202)
        pc.printf("Device is ADE1202\n");
        pc.printf("Device is ADE1201\n");

    /* Print silicon revision and device address */
    pc.printf("Rev ID is: %d * Device Address is %d \n", ADE120x_RevId(device_id), ADE120x_ChipAddr(device_id));

    /* Unlock the device for programming */
    /* Wait some time after unlocking device */
    /* Configure threshold registers and Modes using library function */
    thresh_cfg.BIN_HighThresh = 21.7;         /* 22V */
    thresh_cfg.BIN_LowThresh = 11.5;          /* 12V */
    thresh_cfg.WARNA_HighThresh = 26.1;       /* 26V */
    thresh_cfg.WARNA_LowThresh = 26.1;        /* 26V */
    thresh_cfg.WARNB_HighThresh = 17.4;       /* 17V */
    thresh_cfg.WARNB_LowThresh = 11.5;        /* 11V */
    thresh_cfg.WARNC_HighThresh = 5.8;        /* 5V */
    thresh_cfg.WARNC_LowThresh = 5.8;         /* 5V */
    thresh_cfg.BIN_Mode = Mode_Hysteretic;
    thresh_cfg.WARNA_Mode = Mode_Greater;
    thresh_cfg.WARNB_Mode = Mode_Inbetween;
    thresh_cfg.WARNC_Mode = Mode_LessEqual;
    thresh_cfg.ADCPga = 10;
    thresh_cfg.VGain = V_Gain;
    ade1202.ThresholdCfg(addr, &thresh_cfg);

    /* Step 3: Configure filter values for 3 ms*/
    /* FilterLength = GlitchWidth(us)/(20us)*/
    ade1202.WriteReg(addr, REG_BIN_FILTER, 0x8096);
    /* 5ms filter for WARNx */
    ade1202.WriteReg(addr, REG_WARNA_FILTER, 0x80FA);
    ade1202.WriteReg(addr, REG_WARNB_FILTER, 0x80FA);
    ade1202.WriteReg(addr, REG_WARNC_FILTER, 0x80FA);
    /* Step 4: Configure programmable load */
    plload_cfg.ADCPga = 10;
    plload_cfg.enable = CH1_Enable|CH2_Enable; /*Enable for both channels */
    plload_cfg.HighCurrent = 30;    /* 16mA */
    plload_cfg.HighTime = 1000;     /* in us */
    plload_cfg.LowCurrent = 1;      /* 3 mA */
    plload_cfg.mode = LOW_IDLE;
    plload_cfg.VGain = V_Gain;
    plload_cfg.VoltThresh = 3.84;
    ade1202.ProgrammableLoadCfg(addr, &plload_cfg);
    /* Step 5: Configure Energy Monitor */
    enrgymtr_cfg.ADCPga = 10;
    enrgymtr_cfg.enable = 0;
    enrgymtr_cfg.VGain = V_Gain;
    enrgymtr_cfg.SampleRate = 20e-6;        /* 10us on ADE1201, 20us on ADE1202 */
    enrgymtr_cfg.WorkingVoltage = 250;
    enrgymtr_cfg.PulseMagnitude = 16;       /* 16mA */
    enrgymtr_cfg.PulseTime = 3;             /* 3ms */
    enrgymtr_cfg.Cooldown_Decr = 5;
    enrgymtr_cfg.Cooldown_TimeStep = COOLDOWN_TS_10us;
    enrgymtr_cfg.Ov_Scale = OV_SCALE_1;
    enrgymtr_cfg.Cooldown_Sec = 5;
    ade1202.EnergyMtrCfg(addr, &enrgymtr_cfg);
    /* Set ADC PGA */
    ade1202.SetPgaGain(addr, ADCPGA_10);
    /* Lock device after configuring registers */
    ade1202.Lock(addr);//add 100us delay
    ade1202.ClearIntStatus(addr, INTSRC_ALL);
    /* Read back and print all register settings after configuration to confirm they are correct*/
    ade1202.GetRegisterData(addr, (RegisterData_Type*)reg_data);
    for(int i = 0; i<20;i++)
        printf("0x%x , 0x%x \n", reg_data[i].reg_addr, reg_data[i].reg_data);
    /* Enter main program loop and wait for threshold events */
    while(1) {
        uint32_t reg_data, status = 0;
        status = ade1202.GetIntStatus(addr); /* Check status register */
            /* Interrupt detected on DOUT1 */
            DOUT1_Status = 0;
            reg_data = ade1202.ReadADC(addr, ADC_RAW);
            pc.printf("DOUT1 Interrupt detected! ");
            pc.printf("Status: 0x%x , Voltage: %f \n", status, ade1202.ADCCode2Volt(reg_data, ADC_PGA, V_Gain));
            /* Interrupt detected on DOUT2 */
            DOUT2_Status = 0;
            reg_data = ade1202.ReadADC(addr, ADC_RAW);
            pc.printf("DOUT2 Interrupt detected! ");
            pc.printf("Status: 0x%x , Voltage: %f \n", status, ade1202.ADCCode2Volt(reg_data, ADC_PGA, V_Gain));
        if(status != 0)
            if((status & INTSRC_WARNA1) == INTSRC_WARNA1)
                reg_data = ade1202.ReadADC(addr, ADC_RAW);
                pc.printf("WARNA Interrupt detected! Voltage > 22V ");
                pc.printf("Status: 0x%x , Voltage: %f \n", status, ade1202.ADCCode2Volt(reg_data, ADC_PGA, V_Gain));
            if((status & INTSRC_WARNB1) == INTSRC_WARNB1)
                reg_data = ade1202.ReadADC(addr, ADC_RAW);
                pc.printf("WARNB Interrupt detected! Voltage in between 11V and 15V ");
                pc.printf("Status: 0x%x , Voltage: %f \n", status, ade1202.ADCCode2Volt(reg_data, ADC_PGA, V_Gain));
            if((status & INTSRC_WARNC1) == INTSRC_WARNC1)
                reg_data = ade1202.ReadADC(addr, ADC_RAW);
                pc.printf("WARNC Interrupt detected! Voltage below 5V");
                pc.printf("Status: 0x%x , Voltage: %f \n", status, ade1202.ADCCode2Volt(reg_data, ADC_PGA, V_Gain));
            ade1202.ClearIntStatus(addr, INTSRC_ALL);
    return 0;