CN0396 (4-Wire Electrochemical Dual Toxic Gas Sensing System)

Dependencies:   AD5270 AD7798 ADT7310

Dependents:   cn0396-helloworld

For additional information check out the mbed page of the Analog Devices wiki:

--- a/CN0396.cpp	Mon Nov 07 15:56:24 2016 +0000
+++ b/CN0396.cpp	Mon Nov 07 16:22:55 2016 +0000
@@ -6,11 +6,15 @@
 #define ADC_GAIN      AD7798_GAIN_1
 #define ADC_SPS        0x05  //50SPS
-#define CO_SENS    (75 * pow(10, -9))    /* Sensitivity nA/ppm in 400ppm CO 50 to 100 */
+#define CO_SENS    (75 * pow(10.0, -9.0))    /* Sensitivity nA/ppm in 400ppm CO 50 to 100 */
 #define CO_RANGE   1000 /* Range ppm CO limit of performance warranty 1,000 */
-#define H2S_SENS   (700 * pow(10, -9)) /* Sensitivity nA/ppm in 20ppm H2S 450 to 900 */
+#define H2S_SENS   (700 * pow(10.0, -9.0)) /* Sensitivity nA/ppm in 20ppm H2S 450 to 900 */
 #define H2S_RANGE  100  /* Range ppm H2S limit of performance warranty 100 */
 /*	CO side	H2S side
 Temperature	Mean 	Mean*/
@@ -19,7 +23,17 @@
 CN0396::CN0396(PinName csad, PinName csrdac, PinName cstemp) :
     csad(csad), csrdac(csrdac), cstemp(cstemp), ad(csad), rdac(csrdac), temp(cstemp)
+ppm_compensation_t ppm_compensation[COMPENSATION_TABLE_SIZE] = {
+        { -30	, 29.9  , 82.3 },
+        { -20	, 38.8  , 84.6 },
+        { -10	, 53.7  , 88.6 },
+        {0		, 69.6  , 92.2 },
+        {10		, 84.9  , 96.2 },
+        {20		, 100.0 , 100.0},
+        {30		, 112.7 , 103.1},
+        {40		, 123.7 , 105.6},
+        {50		, 133.1 , 107.4}
+    };
 void CN0396::data_to_voltage(uint16_t adcValue, float *voltage, int gain_adc)