Fully integrated ToF/IMU codes

Dependencies:   QEI2 PID Watchdog VL53L1X_Filter ros_lib_kinetic

diff -r 770a161346ed -r a10277a63b53 wheelchairControlSideTof/wheelchair.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wheelchairControlSideTof/wheelchair.h	Tue Jul 02 17:27:51 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#ifndef wheelchair
+#define wheelchair
+*            Importing libraries into wheelchair.h                       *
+#include "chair_BNO055.h"
+#include "PID.h"
+#include "QEI.h"
+#include "VL53L1X.h"
+#include "statistics.h"
+#include "Watchdog.h"
+#include <ros.h>
+#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
+#include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
+* Joystick has analog out of 200-700, scale values between 1.3 and 3.3   *
+* Here are some global constants for joystick                            *
+#define def (2.5f/3.3f)                 //Default axis on joystick to stay neutral; used on x and y axis
+#define high 3.3f/3.3f                  //High power on joystick; used on x and y axis
+#define low (1.7f/3.3f)                 //Low power on joystick; used on x and y axis
+#define offset .03f                    //Joystick adjustment to be able to go straight. Chair dependent on manufactoring precision
+#define process .1                      //Defines default time delay in seconds
+*Pin plug-in for Nucleo-L432KC/Compatible with Nucleo-400 series (F767ZI)*
+#define xDir PA_6                       //* PWM Pins */
+#define yDir PA_5
+#define Encoder1 D7                     //*Digital In Pull Up Pin */
+#define Encoder2 D8
+#define Diameter 31.75                  //Diameter of encoder wheel
+#define maxDecelerationSlow 120
+#define maxDecelerationFast 30
+#define ToFSensorNum 12
+*IMU definitions for turning wheelchair
+#define WHEELCHAIR_RADIUS 56 //distance from IMU to edge of wheelchair(cm)
+#define  MAX_ANGULAR_DECELERATION 60 //found through testing, max 
+                                     //acceleration at which chair can 
+                                     //stop while turning. In degree per sec
+#define MIN_WALL_LENGTH 10 // minimum distance from wall to ToF (cm)
+*                                                                        *
+*                         Wheelchair class                               *
+*           Used for controlling the Smart Wheelchair                    *
+*                                                                        *
+class Wheelchair
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   Create Wheelchair constructor with x,y pin for analog-to-dc output   *
+    *   serial for printout, and time. This is also used to initialize some  *
+    *   variables for the timer,encoders and time-of-flight sensors          *
+    **************************************************************************/
+    Wheelchair(PinName xPin, PinName yPin, Serial* pc, Timer* time, QEI* wheel, QEI* wheelS,
+               VL53L1X** ToF);
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *           This method is to move using the joystick                    *
+    **************************************************************************/
+    void move(float x_coor, float y_coor);
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method is to drive the wheelchair forward manually (NO PID used)*
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void forward();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method is to drive the wheelchair backwards (NO PID used)       *
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void backward();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method is to turn the wheelchair right manually (NO PID used)   *
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void right();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method is to turn the wheelchair left manually (NO PID used)    *
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void left();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method stops the wheelchair and reset the joystick position     *
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void stop();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method is a thread that will obtain the IMU information such    *
+    *   as the gyroscope x,y axis. Z-axis is not used.                       *
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void compass_thread();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method is a thread that will calculate the velocity of the      *
+    *   wheechair using the encoder values this is being obatined.           *
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void velocity_thread();
+    //not being used
+    void rosCom_thread();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method is a thread that iterates through all the sensor's       *
+    *   values and determines whether or not the wheelchair is about to hit  *
+    *   or crash into something. If the sensors detect something close to    *
+    *   the chair, then the chair will safely halt and allow movement in the *
+    *   direction opposed to where an object is detected.                    *
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void ToFSafe_thread();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method is a thread that will constantly be checking the value   *
+    *   of the emergency button. If the button is pressed, then the chair    *
+    *   will stop and the entire system will reset.                          *
+    ************************************************************************ */
+    void emergencyButton_thread();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method gets the encoder values and calculates the distance since*
+    *   the last encoder reset.                                              *
+    **************************************************************************/
+    float getDistance();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *   This method resets the encoder value to recalculate distance         *
+    **************************************************************************/
+    void resetDistance();
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *                                                                       *
+     *                         PID Control Methods                           *
+     *                                                                       *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    /*************************************************************************
+    * This method moves the wheelchair x-millimiters forward using PID       *
+    **************************************************************************/
+    void pid_forward(double mm);
+    /*************************************************************************
+    * This method turns the chair right a certain amount of degrees using PID*
+    **************************************************************************/
+    void pid_right(int deg);
+    /*************************************************************************
+    * This method turns the chair left a certain amount of degrees using PID *
+    **************************************************************************/
+    void pid_left(int deg);
+    /*************************************************************************
+    * This method determines whether to turn the wheelchair left or right    *
+    **************************************************************************/
+    void pid_turn(int deg);
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *                                                                       *
+     *                     ROS-Embed Communication Methods                   *
+     *                                                                       *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * This method computes the relative angle for Twist message in ROS      *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    void pid_twistA();
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * This method computes the relative velocity for Twist message in ROS   *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    void pid_twistV();
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * This method computes the angular position for Twist message in ROS    *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    double getTwistZ();
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * This method calculates the relative position of the chair everytime   * 
+     * the encoders reset by setting its old position as the origin to       *
+     * calculate the new position. Moreover, this function is important to   *
+     * be able to publish (send) the information to ROS                      *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    void odomMsg();
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * This method prints the Odometry message to the serial monitor         *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    void showOdom();
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * (not being used) Functions with a predetermined path (demo)           *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    void desk();
+    void kitchen();
+    void desk_to_kitchen();
+    /*************************************************************************
+    *                         Public Variables                               *       
+    **************************************************************************/ 
+    double x_position;
+    double y_position;
+    double z_angular;
+    double curr_vel;
+    double z_twistA;
+    double linearV;
+    double angularV;
+    double vel;
+    double test1, test2;
+    bool forwardSafety;
+    bool sideSafety; //to check if can turn
+    double curr_yaw, curr_velS;                                                            // Variable that contains current relative angle
+    int runningAverage[4];           
+    // Expected data used to compare whether of not there is a ledge. This serves as a ground base
+    // Array is used for calibrating the time of flight sensors  
+    // Used to calculate stdev and mean on 
+    /* Pointers for the joystick speed */
+    PwmOut* x;
+    PwmOut* y;
+    //Pointers for PCB
+    PwmOut* on;
+    PwmOut* off;
+    DigitalIn* e_button;                //Pointer to e_button
+    chair_BNO055* imu;                  // Pointer to IMU
+    Serial* out;                        // Pointer to Serial Monitor
+    Timer* ti;                          // Pointer to the timer
+    QEI* wheel;                         // Pointer to encoder
+    QEI* wheelS;                        // Pointer to encoder
+    VL53L1X** ToF;                      // Arrays of pointers to ToF sensors
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