mbed Sensor node for Instrumented Booth over ETH.

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface-1 MaxbotixDriver Presence HTU21D_TEMP_HUMID_SENSOR_SAMPLE Resources SHARPIR mbed-rtos mbed-src WDT_K64F nsdl_lib

Fork of Trenton_Switch_LPC1768_ETH by Demo Team

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/NSDL/nsdl_support.cpp	Wed Dec 03 15:39:09 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// NSDL library support functions
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "nsdl_support.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "node_cfg.h"
+#define COAP_UDP_PORT   5683
+extern uint8_t NSP_address_bytes[];
+//static ns_address_t app_dest;
+extern UDPSocket server;
+extern Endpoint nsp;
+#define MEM_VALID(x) \
+    int s##x=0;\
+    int *h##x = new int [1];\
+    std::printf("[stack]0x%08x\t[heap]0x%08x\t[memory avail]%d bytes \tLine: %d %s\r\n", &s##x, h##x, &s##x-h##x, __LINE__, __FILE__);\
+    if (h##x > &s##x)\
+    printf("collision\n");\
+    else\
+    delete [] h##x;\
+    __nop()
+extern char endpoint_name[24];
+extern uint8_t ep_type[];
+extern uint8_t lifetime_ptr[];
+char null_ep_name[] = "";
+uint8_t null_ep_type[] = "";
+uint8_t null_lifetime_ptr[] = "";
+bool nsdl_reg_update_needed = false;
+extern int8_t coap_udp_socket;
+void *nsdl_alloc(uint16_t size)
+    void *buf = malloc(size);
+    return buf;
+void nsdl_free(void* ptr_to_free)
+    free(ptr_to_free);
+ * Create a static resoure
+ * Only get is allowed
+ */
+void nsdl_create_static_resource(sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *resource_structure, uint16_t pt_len, uint8_t *pt, uint16_t rpp_len, uint8_t *rpp_ptr, uint8_t *rsc, uint16_t rsc_len)
+    resource_structure->access = SN_GRS_GET_ALLOWED;
+    resource_structure->mode = SN_GRS_STATIC;
+    resource_structure->pathlen = pt_len;
+    resource_structure->path = pt;
+    resource_structure->resource_parameters_ptr->resource_type_len = rpp_len;
+    resource_structure->resource_parameters_ptr->resource_type_ptr = rpp_ptr;
+    resource_structure->resource = rsc;
+    resource_structure->resourcelen = rsc_len;
+    sn_nsdl_create_resource(resource_structure);
+void nsdl_create_dynamic_resource(sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *resource_structure, uint16_t pt_len, uint8_t *pt, uint16_t rpp_len, uint8_t *rpp_ptr, uint8_t is_observable, sn_grs_dyn_res_callback_t callback_ptr, int access_right)
+    resource_structure->access = (sn_grs_resource_acl_e)access_right;
+    resource_structure->resource = 0;
+    resource_structure->resourcelen = 0;
+    resource_structure->sn_grs_dyn_res_callback = callback_ptr;
+    resource_structure->mode = SN_GRS_DYNAMIC;
+    resource_structure->pathlen = pt_len;
+    resource_structure->path = pt;
+    resource_structure->resource_parameters_ptr->resource_type_len = rpp_len;
+    resource_structure->resource_parameters_ptr->resource_type_ptr = rpp_ptr;
+    resource_structure->resource_parameters_ptr->observable = is_observable;
+    sn_nsdl_create_resource(resource_structure);
+sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s* nsdl_init_register_endpoint(sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s *endpoint_structure, uint8_t* name, uint8_t* typename_ptr, uint8_t *lifetime_ptr)
+    if (NULL == endpoint_structure)
+    {   
+        endpoint_structure = (sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s*)nsdl_alloc(sizeof(sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s));
+    }
+    if (endpoint_structure)
+    {
+        memset(endpoint_structure, 0, sizeof(sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s));
+        endpoint_structure->endpoint_name_ptr = name;
+        endpoint_structure->endpoint_name_len = strlen((char*)name);
+        endpoint_structure->type_ptr = typename_ptr;
+        endpoint_structure->type_len =  strlen((char*)typename_ptr);
+        endpoint_structure->lifetime_ptr = lifetime_ptr;
+        endpoint_structure->lifetime_len =  strlen((char*)lifetime_ptr); 
+    }
+    return endpoint_structure;
+void nsdl_clean_register_endpoint(sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s **endpoint_structure){
+    if (*endpoint_structure)
+    {
+        nsdl_free(*endpoint_structure);
+        *endpoint_structure = NULL;
+    }
+static uint8_t tx_cb(sn_nsdl_capab_e protocol, uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t data_len, sn_nsdl_addr_s *address_ptr) {
+    //UDP
+    printf("TX callback!\n\rSending %d bytes\r\n", data_len);
+    if(server.sendTo(nsp, (char*)data_ptr, data_len) != data_len)
+        printf("sending failed\n\r");
+    return 1;
+static uint8_t rx_cb(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_packet_ptr, sn_nsdl_addr_s *address_ptr){
+    printf("RX callback!\r\n");
+    printf("msg_code: %d \r\n", coap_packet_ptr->msg_code);
+    printf("Payload length: %d bytes\r\n", coap_packet_ptr->payload_len);
+    int i;
+    printf("Payload:'");
+    for (i=0; i < coap_packet_ptr->payload_len; i++)
+        printf("%c", *(coap_packet_ptr->payload_ptr + i));
+    printf("' \r\n");
+    if (coap_packet_ptr->options_list_ptr && coap_packet_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr)
+    {
+        printf("Location: /");
+        int i;
+        for (i=0; i < coap_packet_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_len; i++) printf("%c", (char)(coap_packet_ptr->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr[i]));
+        printf(" \r\n");
+    }
+    //sn_coap_packet_debug(coap_packet_ptr);
+    return 0;
+void NSP_registration( ) { 
+       sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s *endpoint_ptr = NULL;
+        endpoint_ptr = nsdl_init_register_endpoint(endpoint_ptr, (uint8_t*)endpoint_name, ep_type, lifetime_ptr);
+        if(sn_nsdl_register_endpoint(endpoint_ptr) != 0)
+            printf("NSP re-registering failed\r\n");
+        else
+            printf("NSP re-registering OK\r\n");
+        nsdl_clean_register_endpoint(&endpoint_ptr);
+void nsdl_init(){
+    //uint8_t nsp_addr[4];
+    sn_nsdl_mem_s memory_cbs;
+    /* Initialize libNsdl */
+    memory_cbs.sn_nsdl_alloc = &nsdl_alloc;
+    memory_cbs.sn_nsdl_free = &nsdl_free;
+    if(sn_nsdl_init(&tx_cb, &rx_cb, &memory_cbs) == -1)
+        printf("libNsdl init failed\r\n");
+    else
+        printf("libNsdl init done\r\n");
+        server.init();
+        server.bind(COAP_UDP_PORT);
+        nsp.set_address(NSP_IP_ADDRESS, COAP_UDP_PORT);
+        /* Set nsp address for library */     
+        //set_NSP_address(NSP_address_bytes, COAP_UDP_PORT, SN_NSDL_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6);
+        set_NSP_address(NSP_address_bytes, COAP_UDP_PORT, SN_NSDL_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4);
+void nsdl_reg_update()
+    {
+    sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s *endpoint_ptr = NULL;
+//    endpoint_ptr = nsdl_init_register_endpoint(endpoint_ptr, (uint8_t*)endpoint_name, ep_type, lifetime_ptr);
+//  reg update should be invoked with null parameters if nothing is changing
+    endpoint_ptr = nsdl_init_register_endpoint(endpoint_ptr, (uint8_t*)null_ep_name, null_ep_type, null_lifetime_ptr);
+    if(sn_nsdl_update_registration(endpoint_ptr) != 0)
+        printf("NSP re-registering failed\r\n");
+    else
+        printf("NSP re-registering OK\r\n");
+    nsdl_clean_register_endpoint(&endpoint_ptr);
+    }
+void nsdl_reg_update_timeout()
+    {
+    nsdl_reg_update_needed = true;
+    }
+void nsdl_event_loop()
+    sn_nsdl_addr_s received_packet_address;
+    uint8_t received_address[4];
+    memset(&received_packet_address, 0, sizeof(sn_nsdl_addr_s));
+    received_packet_address.addr_ptr = received_address;
+    while(1)
+    {
+        //        pc.printf("checking reg timeout\r\n");
+        if (nsdl_reg_update_needed)
+        {
+            nsdl_reg_update_needed = false;
+            nsdl_reg_update();
+        }
+    }