POC Breath using SMD commercial sensors

Dependencies:   iAQ_Core Adafruit_SGP30_mbed mbed BME680

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Jul 12 15:58:11 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jul 25 11:17:46 2019 +0000
@@ -2,55 +2,84 @@
 #include "flow.h"
-// In this version of the program developed for the Breath project, flow and CO2
+// In this version of the program developed for the Breath project, flow and CO2, as well as 8 channel sensors,
 // are measured in a separate .h file called: "flow.h" which is included in the
-// main code. Data is streamed using a serial connection (TTL cable or Bluetooth)
-// without any intruption because of loop calculations. 
+// main code. So 10 sets of data is streamed using a serial connection (TTL cable or Bluetooth)
+// without any intruption. 
 // This version is especially suitable to be used for KST.
 // Also, a solenoid would be turned on and off based on calculating the standard deviation in CO2 profile.
+// START POINT: calculates SD for 9 samples of CO2, if it's grater than 0.02 it enables the solenoid.
+// END POINT: calculates SD for 9 samples of CO2, if it's grater thatn 0.05 it disables the solenoid.
+// You can easily change the threshold of Standard deviation to detect plateau
 // Generated by: Mehrnaz Javadipour
-Serial ttl(PA_2,PA_3);  //TTL cable TX,RX
+Serial ttl(PC_12,PD_2);  //TTL cable TX,RX
 DigitalOut sol(PC_5);   //Solenoid: Digital Output
+PwmOut led(PB_6);
 int main()
     ttl.baud(9600); //baudrate for the serial connection
     flow();         //calling flow from flow.h
     carbon();       //calling CO2 from flow.h
-    int bf=0;
+    s1();           //calling 8 channels from flow.h
+    s2();
+    s3();
+    s4();
+    s5();
+    s6();
+    s7();
+    s8();
+    getTemp();      //calling Temperature from flow.h
+    //////////////////////////////
+    // I defined a flag for each section of specific functions, so by enabling the
+    // flag the section starts and by disabling the flag it finishes the section.
+    // at the end of the program, I reset the flags so it would be ready for the next loop.   
+    /////////////////////////////
+    int bf=0;         //FLAG for detecting base flow
     int i=0;
-    float bfArray[4];
-    float sf=0;
-    float fv=0;
-    int myArray[9];
-    int measurement_started=0;
-    unsigned int sum=0;
-    long double var=0.0;
-    float sigma=0.0;
-    int difSum=0;
-    unsigned int sum2=0;
+    float bfArray[4]; //sampling flow for finding the average base flow          
+    float sf=0;       //sum of flow samples for calculating base flow
+    float fv=0;       //final value of base flow
+    int measurement_started=0; //FLAG for starting calculations after detecting breath
+    int solstart=0;         //FLAG for starting calculations for detecting plateau
+    int m=0;
+    int myArray[9];         //sampling 9 values of CO2
+    unsigned int sum=0;     //sum of 9 samples of CO2
+    int avg=0;              //average of 9 samples of CO2
+    int difSum=0;           //used for the Standard deviation algorithm
+    long double var=0.0;    //used for the Standard deviation algorithm
+    float sigma=0.0;        //final value for standar deviation
+    int flags=0;            //FLAG for keep taking samples from CO2 profile when it's too early to detect plateau
+    int solend=0;           //FLAG for ending calculations for detecting plateau
+    unsigned int sum2=0;    //same as before; used for finding standard deviation
     long double var2=0.0;
     float sigma2=0.0;
     int difSum2=0;
-     int avg2=0;
-    int avg=0;
-    int m=0;
-    int flags=0;
-    int flage=0;
-    int solstart=0;
-    int solend=0;
+    int avg2=0;
+    int flage=0;            //FLAG for keep taking samples from CO2 profile when it's too early to finish plateau
     int fin=0;
-    //float CO_2;
-        //CO_2=(float)carbon()/10000;
-        ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
-        if (bf==0)
+        led=1.00f;      //an LED is fully turned on at the beginning, the brightness will be reduced when the plateau is detected.
+        ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
+        if (bf==0)      //finding base flow before breath
               for(i=0; i<4; i++) 
@@ -63,105 +92,116 @@
+        //Starts calculations when it detects breathing into the device:
         if ((flow()>fv) and (measurement_started ==0)) 
-               // ttl.printf("ready to detect plateau \n");
                 measurement_started = 1;
+        //Starts detecting plateau:
         if ((measurement_started == 1) and (solstart==0)) 
-                //ttl.printf("starting...\n");
+                //Takes 9 samples of CO2:
+                //I have also included printing the values inside the loops so we don't loose any data during calculatins.
-                        ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
+                        ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
+                        //While "flags" is enabled, keeps calculating the standard deviation.
                         for(int m=0;m<9;m++)
-                            ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
+                            ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
                         for(int m=0;m<9;m++)
-                            ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon()); 
+                            ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
                             difSum+=(myArray[m]-avg)*(myArray[m]-avg); //Find sum of difference between value X and mean
                         if (sigma<0.02)
-                             //ttl.printf("sol didnt turn on\n");
+                            //if SD is less than 0.02 it means that it is too early to start the plateau
+                            //So we shift all but the first sample and define the new set of arrays:
                             for(int m=0;m<8;m++)
-                              ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
-                              myArray[m]=myArray[m+1];  //Shift all carbon to left by 1
+                              ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
+                              myArray[m]=myArray[m+1];  //Shift all CO2 values to the left by 1 value
-                             myArray[8]=carbon();   
-                            }else
+                             myArray[8]=carbon();  //assign a new value for the 9th sample
+                            }
+                             //The new set of arrays are now generated and is sent back to be used for preveious SD calculations.
+                             //If sigma for the new set is still small, a newer set will be generated and replaced
+                             //Otherwise, it's accepted and will turn on the solenoid:
+                            else
-                            ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
-                           // ttl.printf("sol on\n");
-                            sol=1;
-                            flags=1;
+                            ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
+                            sol=1;      //Solenoid is ON
+                            led=0.50f;  //The brightness is reduced to half during the plateau
+                            flags=1;    //breakes the while loop
-                solend=1;
+                solend=1;   //prepares the next section for finishing the plateau
                 solstart =1;
         if ((measurement_started == 1) and (solend==1)) 
-          // ttl.printf("ending...\n");
+          // same process happens for finishing the plateau:
-                        ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
+                        ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
                         for(int m=0;m<9;m++)
-                            ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
+                            ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
                         for(int m=0;m<9;m++)
-                            ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon()); 
-                            difSum2+=(myArray[m]-avg2)*(myArray[m]-avg2); //Find sum of difference between value X and mean
+                            ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
+                            difSum2+=(myArray[m]-avg2)*(myArray[m]-avg2); 
                         if (sigma2<0.05)
-                            // ttl.printf("sol didnt turn on\n");
+                            // here we defined the end threshold to be 0.05, it can be changed later based on experiment results
                             for(int m=0;m<8;m++)
-                              ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
-                              myArray[m]=myArray[m+1];  //Shift all carbon to left by 1
+                              ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
+                              myArray[m]=myArray[m+1];  
-                            ttl.printf("%f,%f\n",flow(), carbon());
-                         //   ttl.printf("sol off\n");
-                            sol=0;
-                            flage=1;
+                            ttl.printf("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",getTemp(),flow(), carbon(),s1(),s2(),s3(),s4(),s5(),s6(),s7(),s8());
+                            sol=0;  //Solenoid is OFF
+                            flage=1;    //breakes the loop
-        solend =0;
-        bf=0;
-        fin=1;
+        solend =0;  //end of this section
+        led=1.00f;  //LED is back to full brightness
+        bf=0;       //reset the detecting base flow flag
+        fin=1;      //enables the next section flag
      if((carbon()<10000) and (fin ==1)) 
-                //ttl.printf("ready\n");
+                //User has to wait for the CO2 level to drop less than 1% before testing again.
+                //Once it is less than 1%, all the flags and parameters used in calculations are reset
                 measurement_started =0;