5 years, 3 months ago.

My computer does not recognize the board

I plug the board on an USB port on my computer but my computer does not recognize it.

If I press the reset button in the board the computer recognizes it but when I open the folder with the device I can only see an HTML file named "BOOLOADER". I clink on it and nothing happens. Actually after a few seconds my computer no longer recognizes the board and I have to repeat the whole process again.

Therefore I can not configure the board with the operating system. I am stuck right in the beginning.

Thanks Alberto Nascimento

1 Answer

5 years, 3 months ago.

Hi Alberto, What kind of computer are you using, and which board are you connecting to through the USB port? When the board is connected using USB, it should show up as a drive letter called "JLINK" or "DAPLINK". If you hold down the reset button on the board while connecting the USB port, this will put the board into "MAINTENANCE" mode (with JLINK) or "BOOTLOADER" mode (with DAPLINK). In these modes you can program the JLINK or DAPLINK firmware into the board. If you need to load this firmware onto your board, here is a link to the DAPLINK download site: https://armmbed.github.io/DAPLink/ On this site you can select the board you are using, download the correct firmware, and then drag and drop it onto the "BOOTLOADER" drive. This will program the firmware and then reboot the board. When the board comes back up, you should see a drive letter called "DAPLINK," If you see this drive letter, you can drag a compiled .hex file onto it and this will program the board. Thanks, Tres, Team Mbed