9 years, 10 months ago.

I have compile error after update mbed-src library. Why did it happen?


I have compile error after update mbed-src library. Why did it happen? Additionally, My code is well done before update mbed-src library.

Compile error is as below. "mbed::Stream::Stream(const mbed::Stream &)"(declared at mbed-src/api/Stream.h:55) is inaccessible "class Serial : public SerialBase, public Stream { "


Can you share your program? I dont see much on the picture.

I believe this is a change which was introduced, regarding copy and assigment constructors.. What are you doing with a Stream class?

posted by Martin Kojtal 03 Jun 2014


I publish my source code. If you search WizFi250TcpUdpExample in import Wizard, you can find my source code.

posted by DongEun Koak 03 Jun 2014

Thanks for sharing your program, I will look at this, looks like there was one commit I know about made which caused this issue.

posted by Martin Kojtal 04 Jun 2014

1 Answer

9 years, 10 months ago.

Hello DongEun Koak,

the commit I talked above in my comments, made things correct and pinpointed an issue..

The problem is here, returning an object by value which invokes the copy constructor. It should be return as a reference/pointer to an object. File WizFi250.h, line 148

    Serial getDebug() { //here is the problem
        return _debug;


Accepted Answer

Thank you for your helpful support.

posted by DongEun Koak 05 Jun 2014