Use STM32F407VET6 board to send commands to Roboteq Motor Controller MDC2230

09 Jan 2018

I want to use STM32F407VET6 board to send commands to Roboteq Motor Controller MDC2230 and I'm very newbie in embedded systems.

Firstly, I created my project via STM32CubeMX and connected RX and TX to each other. The loop-back worked correctly.

Also I can create communication between my PC and controller via RS232 to USB Converter. If I send "get Left Motor Speed" command via CuteCom, (It's: "?$03 1") Motor controller responds to PC without distortion successfully.

And also STM32 communicates with PC via that converter cable, sends and receives data correctly: I can see outputs of STM32 on CuteCom and can send commands to STM32.

At last, I connected controller to micro-controller. Here is the connection:

+--+ +---+ +---+

"STM32" TX->R1OUT R1IN<-DATA OUT (Pin 2)
"USART2" RX<---T1IN T1OUT->DATA IN (Pin 3)
3.3V--3V-5.5V "MAX3232""Roboteq MDC2230"

+--+ +---+ +---+ But in the case of STM32 to Roboteq Controller; STM32 sends first two bytes of buffer, wrong. It must be:

( 3f 24 30 33 20 31 0d ) "?$03 1\r" , but CuteCom(*) shows:

( bf 27 30 33 20 31 0d ) "¿'03 1\r" and sometimes():

( bf 27 38 33 20 31 0d ) "¿'83 1\r"

Here is some parts of code which works in other cases but not in above connection:


  1. define MAX_COMMAND_STR_SIZE 32 uint8_t tx_buff[MAX_COMMAND_STR_SIZE]; uint8_t rx_buff[MAX_COMMAND_STR_SIZE]; memset(tx_buff, 0x00, MAX_COMMAND_STR_SIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); memset(rx_buff, 0x5F, MAX_COMMAND_STR_SIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); ...

sprintf((char*)tx_buff, "?$03 1\r"); while ( 1 ) { dummyInit(&huart2); HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_usart2_tx); FIXME: Is needed? HAL_DMA_Init(&hdma_usart2_rx); FIXME: Is needed? HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA ( &huart2, tx_buff, strlen((char*)tx_buff) ); HAL_Delay ( 10 ); HAL_UART_Receive_DMA ( &huart2, rx_buff, MAX_COMMAND_STR_SIZE );

if ( DEBUG ) printf("tx_buff: %s\n", tx_buff); if ( DEBUG ) printf("rx_buff: %s\n", rx_buff); if ( DEBUG ) printf ( "DR: %"PRIu32"\n", huart2.Instance->DR ); if ( DEBUG ) printf ( "ERR: %"PRIu32"\n\n", huart2.ErrorCode ); printf("Returned > %d \n\n", getSpeedL(FALSE)); } ...

void dummyInit(UART_HandleTypeDef *_huart) FIXME: if any other way exists, replace with this { HAL_UART_DISABLE(_huart);



/* Enable the peripheral */ HAL_UART_ENABLE(_huart);

/* Initialize the UART state */ _huart->ErrorCode = HAL_UART_ERROR_NONE; HAL_UART_RESET_HANDLE_STATE (_huart); _huart->gState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY; _huart->RxState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY; _huart->RxXferCount = 0; _huart->TxXferCount = 0; } (*) I'm using some lazy way to read communication between max3232's T1OUT and Roboteq's DATA IN pin. My RS232 which I got from kynix: to USB converter connected to my pc, and there is M-F Jumper cable on RS232 side. I'm just touching to T1OUT of MAX232.

() And CuteCom shows output with noise.

What are the wrong parts of my approach? I know, my first fault is being a Software Engineer, not an Electrical Engineer.

22 Jan 2018

Can you please fix the formatting ? Use code formatting for code snippets. IT would help readability.

This is the question regarding ST SDK, might be better to ST dedicated forum to ask rather than here on mbed