Connect SD-Card to Nucleo F411RE

17 May 2017

Hello, I tried to connect nucleo-f411re to an SD-Card according to the diagram in

When all connected I’m getting failure for trying to open a file from the sd-card or write to it. I’m a newbie and appreciate any help.

This is what I did: /media/uploads/yatuvy/20170517_115505.jpg /media/uploads/yatuvy/20170517_115644.jpg /media/uploads/yatuvy/20170517_115611.jpg /media/uploads/yatuvy/20170517_115956.jpg /media/uploads/yatuvy/20170517_120221.jpg

That’s the text file I’m trying to read: /media/uploads/yatuvy/image20170516223701.png

This is the code:

SD Card Test

#include "mbed.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "SDFileSystem.h"

SDFileSystem sd(D4, D5, D3, D10, "sd");

char buffer[4096];

void readTest1() {
    printf("\n\rreadTest1() Read /sd/DirX/textfile.txt");
    FileHandle* file ="/sd/DirX/textfile.txt", O_RDONLY);
    if (file == NULL) {
    } else {

void readTest2() {
    printf("\n\rreadTest2() fopen /sd/DirX/textfile.txt");
    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/DirX/textfile.txt", "r");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        printf("\n\r\tFailed fopen(...)");
    } else {
        printf("\n\r\tSuccess fopen(...)");

void writeFile(){

    const char* filePath = "/sd/DirX/mydir/sdtest.txt";
    printf("\n\rwriteFile() Write to SD card: %s", filePath);
    mkdir("/sd/DirX/mydir", 0777);
    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/DirX/mydir/sdtest.txt", "w");
    if(fp == NULL) {
        printf("\n\r\tFailed writeFile()");
        fprintf(fp, "\n\rSuccess writeFile()");

int main() {
	printf("\n\rSD Card Test");

And the upsetting result: /media/uploads/yatuvy/image20170517123427.png

Thanks for any help :)

Import programSD_Card_Test-yonatan

Just a test for read/write operations on SD-Card, using Nucleo-f411re

23 May 2017

This post deserves a response, if only for the very clean photographs. I had SD card read/write working with mbed-dev "#define MBED_LIBRARY_VERSION 118" and "SDFileSystem.h" from a similar time period. I have the Nucle_F401RE though.

First thing. Do not Exit main(). Ever. I believe this is undefined and will definitely crash your program. Throw an empty loop in there if you need to.


Then, be careful about spamming the SD card too fast. Throw some waits in there between calls to write and read.

Then when you make the directory, I think you need to make One directory at a time. As written it tries to create mydir inside DirX, but DirX doesn't exist yet and it's not smart enough to make Both directories for you.

I note in that Link, they are not showing SD ground connected. It needs to be connected so it is common with the micro. I have the same sparkfun breakout board. Every pin except CD is connected directly to my micro - no external resistors, not even any caps. CD is not connected anywhere.

Here, I tested this in online compiler with mbed revision 118 and SDFileSystem rev 23:6bb3c19 on F401RE board. Works. Pins of course are just how I have the breakout board connected. I rolled these libraries back to this point because I knew it worked. The latest version of each did not work out of the box and I did not want to investigate.

#include "mbed.h"

#include "SDFileSystem.h"
#include <stdio.h>

// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include "rtos.h"

SDFileSystem sd(D11, D12, D13, D10, "sd");

// (mosi,miso,sclk,cs,name)

void readTest2() {
    unsigned char c; // a single byte buffer

    printf("\r\nreadTest2() fopen /sd/DirX/sdtest.txt\r\n");
    FILE *file = fopen("/sd/DirX/sdtest.txt", "r");

    if (file == NULL) {
        printf("\tFailed fopen(...)\r\n");
    else {
        printf("\tSuccess fopen(...)\r\n");

      while (c != '\n') {
            c = getc(file); 

void writeFile() {

    const char *filePath = "/sd/DirX/sdtest.txt";
    printf("writeFile() Write to SD card: %s\r\n", filePath);
    int result = mkdir("/sd/DirX", 0777);

    if (result == -1) {
        printf("Could not create Directory.\r\n");

    // w = fresh write, a = append
    FILE *file = fopen("/sd/DirX/sdtest.txt", "w");

    if (file == NULL) {
        printf("\n\r\tFailed writeFile()");
    else {
        fprintf(file, "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\n");

    // should free card to be removed

int main() {
    printf("\r\n--- SD Card Test ---\r\n");



    // readTest2();

    // Do not exit main.
    while (true) {
24 May 2017

Hi Graham, I tried connect SD to GND and also connect SD pins (mosi, miso, clk) directly to board. still getting Failed, also with your code.

But thanks anyway :)

02 Jun 2017


Please, could you try this example - and follow on to this section ( for the SD card? That way we can get a baseline for your setup, as we know this example code works.

Thanks, Sarah

19 Jul 2017


I'm having a similar issue using the ST Micro Nucleo-F446RE and the SparkFun microSD Transflash breakout. The connections that I'm using are.

SD BreakoutF466RE

I tried the example fat file system example that Sarah mentions above which works. When I switch to the SD card it fails. I decided to remove the FAT Filesystem out of the equation and try to use it as an SDBlock device and it fails on the .init method below with a -5005. The SD card is a formatted FAT 4GB sdMicro.

int main()
    // mosi, miso, sclk, cs
    SDBlockDevice bd(PB_15, PB_14, PB_13, PB_12);    //HeapBlockDevice bd(128 * 512, 512); 

    uint8_t block[512] = "Hello World!\n";
    // call the SDBlockDevice instance initialisation method.
    int i = bd.init();
    // Write some the data block to the device 
    i = bd.program(block, 0, 512);
    // read the data block from the device
    i =, 0, 512);
    // print the contents of the block
    printf("%s", block);
    // call the SDBlockDevice instance de-initialisation method.
    i = bd.deinit();

I'm using Mbed Library version 123 along with the VisualGDB toolset and Visual Studio 2013. I also have the Nucleo-F411RE if you want me to test with that one.

Thanks, -steve

24 Aug 2017

Hey Steve,

You will receive the most support for this if you use the latest version of mbed OS - 5.5.5 in that example. That way, if you do find a problem in that example (using the latest version of mbed OS), you can file an issue against mbed OS -