Export mBed project to GCC Arm Embedded failed due to illegal C++ syntaxe in mBed Project

04 Jan 2017


I'm new on the forum and I encounter problems exporting code from an mBed project to GCC (Arm Embedded) toolchain. I exported the project for GCC (Arm Embedded) toolchain then I opened it in my IDE (SW4STM32 based on Eclipse) and it doesn't compile. The project i'm trying to export is C++.

For the declaration and initialization of the following struct :

notify_file_param_t notif = { .bf.fid = file_id, .bf.offset = offset, .bf.size = size };

I got the following error :

expected primary-expression before '.' token

I did some research and I figured out that initialization syntaxe is illegal in C++ but legal in C.

So why mBed authorize it in C++ source file ? Is there an extention for the mBed compiler that allows it ? How this problem can be solved ?

Thanks for any help,


07 Aug 2018

Im dealing with sort of the same problem. Did you find a solution ?