18 #include "ble/common/CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext.h" 20 #ifndef MBED_BLE_GATT_CALLBACK_PARAM_TYPES_H__ 21 #define MBED_BLE_GATT_CALLBACK_PARAM_TYPES_H__ 232 AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INSUF_AUTHENTICATION = 0x05,
Execute write request: immediately execute all prepared writes.
GattAttribute::Handle_t handle
Attribute Handle to which the write operation applies.
Function like object adapter over freestanding and member functions.
GattAuthCallbackReply_t authorizationReply
Authorization result.
The attribute value length is invalid for the operation.
uint16_t offset
Offset within the attribute value read.
const uint8_t * data
Incoming data.
Attribute server does not support the request received from the client.
const uint8_t * data
Pointer to the data to write.
ble::connection_handle_t connHandle
Handle of the connection that triggered the event.
uint8_t error_code
Error code of the GattClient read operation.
uintptr_t connection_handle_t
Opaque reference to a connection.
uint8_t error_code
Error code of the GattClient Write operation.
The Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Improperly Configured error code is used when a Cl...
GATT write authorization request event.
Handle Value Notification/Indication event.
The attribute requires authorization before it can be read or written.
The Write Request Rejected error code is used when a requested write operation cannot be fulfilled fo...
The attribute handle given was not valid on this server.
Execute write request: cancel all prepared writes.
The attribute PDU was invalid.
GATT read authorization request event.
GattAuthCallbackReply_t authorizationReply
Authorization result.
GattAttribute::Handle_t charHandle
The value handle of the characteristic containing the CCCD.
uint16_t offset
Offset within the attribute value to be written.
The attribute cannot be written.
Offset specified was past the end of the attribute.
ble::connection_handle_t connHandle
Handle of the connection that triggered the event.
The attribute cannot be read using the Read Blob Request.
ble::attribute_handle_t Handle_t
Representation of an attribute handle.
ble::connection_handle_t connHandle
The handle of the connection that triggered the event.
Gatt Data Sent Attribute related events.
The Encryption Key Size used for encrypting this link is insufficient.
uint16_t len
Optional: new length of the outgoing data.
ble_error_t status
Status of the GattClient Read operation.
GATT Write event definition.
The attribute cannot be read.
uint16_t len
Length (in bytes) of the data to write.
GATT Read event definition.
uint8_t * data
Optional: new outgoing data.
uint16_t len
Length in bytes of the data read.
The attribute request that was requested has encountered an error that was unlikely, and therefore could not be completed as requested.
No attribute found within the given attribute handle range.
Insufficient Resources to complete the request.
Too many prepare writes have been queued.
const uint8_t * data
Attribute value.
Handle Value Notification/Indication event.
Function like object hosting a list of FunctionPointerWithContext.
WriteOp_t writeOp
Type of the write operation.
uint16_t offset
Offset for the write operation.
GattAttribute::Handle_t attHandle
The handle of the CCCD producing the event.
uint16_t len
Length of the incoming data.
ble_error_t status
Status of the GattClient Write operation.
GattAttribute::Handle_t handle
Handle of the attribute to which the write operation applies.
GattAttribute::Handle_t handle
Attribute Handle to which the read operation applies.
The attribute requires encryption before it can be read or written.
The Out of Range error code is used when an attribute value is out of range as defined by a profile o...
The attribute type is not a supported grouping attribute as defined by a higher layer specification...
ble::connection_handle_t connHandle
Handle of the connection that triggered the event.
uint16_t len
Attribute value length.
Gatt Updates Changed Attribute related events.
HVXType_t type
Indication or Notification, see HVXType_t.
GattAttribute::Handle_t attHandle
Attribute Handle to which the event applies.
The attribute requires authentication before it can be read or written.
Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions.
GattAttribute::Handle_t handle
Attribute Handle to which the HVx operation applies.
ble::connection_handle_t connHandle
The handle of the connection that triggered the event.
const uint8_t * data
Pointer to the data read.
Enumeration of allowed write operations.
Enumeration of allowed values returned by read or write authorization process.
The Procedure Already in Progress error code is used when a profile or service request cannot be serv...
GattAttribute::Handle_t handle
Attribute Handle to which the read operation applies.
uint16_t offset
Offset for the read operation.
ble::connection_handle_t connHandle
The handle of the connection that triggered the event.
Error codes for the BLE API.
ble::connection_handle_t connHandle
The handle of the connection that triggered the event.