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1 /**
2  / _____) _ | |
3 ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
4  \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
5  _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
6 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
7  (C)2015 Semtech
8  ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
9 / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
10 \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _|
11 |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
12 embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
14 Description: LoRaWAN stack layer that controls both MAC and PHY underneath
16 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
18 Maintainer: Miguel Luis, Gregory Cristian & Gilbert Menth
20 Copyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited and affiliates.
22 SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
23 */
24 /**
25  ******************************************************************************
26  *
27  * Portions COPYRIGHT 2020 STMicroelectronics
28  *
29  * @file STM32WL_loRaRadio.h
30  * @author MCD Application Team
31  * @brief header of radio driver
32  ******************************************************************************
33  */
38 #include "platform/mbed_critical.h"
39 #include "drivers/DigitalOut.h"
40 #include "platform/PlatformMutex.h"
41 #include "lorawan/LoRaRadio.h"
43 #include "STM32WL_radio_driver.h"
45 // Data buffer used for both TX and RX
46 // Size of this buffer is configurable via Mbed config system
47 // Default is 255 bytes
50 #else
52 #endif
54 extern void set_antenna_switch(RBI_Switch_TypeDef state);
56 class STM32WL_LoRaRadio : public LoRaRadio {
58 public:
63  /**
64  * Registers radio events with the Mbed LoRaWAN stack and
65  * undergoes initialization steps if any
66  *
67  * @param events Structure containing the driver callback functions
68  */
69  virtual void init_radio(radio_events_t *events);
71  /**
72  * Resets the radio module
73  */
74  virtual void radio_reset();
76  /**
77  * Put the RF module in sleep mode
78  */
79  virtual void sleep(void);
81  /**
82  * Sets the radio in standby mode
83  */
84  virtual void standby(void);
86  /**
87  * Sets the reception parameters
88  *
89  * @param modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
90  * @param bandwidth Sets the bandwidth
91  * FSK : >= 2600 and <= 250000 Hz
92  * LoRa: [0: 125 kHz, 1: 250 kHz,
93  * 2: 500 kHz, 3: Reserved]
94  * @param datarate Sets the Datarate
95  * FSK : 600..300000 bits/s
96  * LoRa: [6: 64, 7: 128, 8: 256, 9: 512,
97  * 10: 1024, 11: 2048, 12: 4096 chips]
98  * @param coderate Sets the coding rate ( LoRa only )
99  * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 )
100  * LoRa: [1: 4/5, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/7, 4: 4/8]
101  * @param bandwidth_afc Sets the AFC Bandwidth ( FSK only )
102  * FSK : >= 2600 and <= 250000 Hz
103  * LoRa: N/A ( set to 0 )
104  * @param preamble_len Sets the Preamble length ( LoRa only )
105  * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 )
106  * LoRa: Length in symbols ( the hardware adds 4 more symbols )
107  * @param symb_timeout Sets the RxSingle timeout value
108  * FSK : timeout number of bytes
109  * LoRa: timeout in symbols
110  * @param fixLen Fixed length packets [0: variable, 1: fixed]
111  * @param payload_len Sets payload length when fixed lenght is used
112  * @param crc_on Enables/Disables the CRC [0: OFF, 1: ON]
113  * @param freq_hop_on Enables disables the intra-packet frequency hopping [0: OFF, 1: ON] (LoRa only)
114  * @param hop_period Number of symbols bewteen each hop (LoRa only)
115  * @param iq_inverted Inverts IQ signals ( LoRa only )
116  * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 )
117  * LoRa: [0: not inverted, 1: inverted]
118  * @param rx_continuous Sets the reception in continuous mode
119  * [false: single mode, true: continuous mode]
120  */
121  virtual void set_rx_config(radio_modems_t modem, uint32_t bandwidth,
122  uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate,
123  uint32_t bandwidth_afc, uint16_t preamble_len,
124  uint16_t symb_timeout, bool fix_len,
125  uint8_t payload_len,
126  bool crc_on, bool freq_hop_on, uint8_t hop_period,
127  bool iq_inverted, bool rx_continuous);
129  /**
130  * Sets the transmission parameters
131  *
132  * @param modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
133  * @param power Sets the output power [dBm]
134  * @param fdev Sets the frequency deviation ( FSK only )
135  * FSK : [Hz]
136  * LoRa: 0
137  * @param bandwidth Sets the bandwidth ( LoRa only )
138  * FSK : 0
139  * LoRa: [0: 125 kHz, 1: 250 kHz,
140  * 2: 500 kHz, 3: Reserved]
141  * @param datarate Sets the Datarate
142  * FSK : 600..300000 bits/s
143  * LoRa: [6: 64, 7: 128, 8: 256, 9: 512,
144  * 10: 1024, 11: 2048, 12: 4096 chips]
145  * @param coderate Sets the coding rate ( LoRa only )
146  * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 )
147  * LoRa: [1: 4/5, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/7, 4: 4/8]
148  * @param preamble_len Sets the preamble length
149  * @param fix_len Fixed length packets [0: variable, 1: fixed]
150  * @param crc_on Enables disables the CRC [0: OFF, 1: ON]
151  * @param freq_hop_on Enables disables the intra-packet frequency hopping [0: OFF, 1: ON] (LoRa only)
152  * @param hop_period Number of symbols bewteen each hop (LoRa only)
153  * @param iq_inverted Inverts IQ signals ( LoRa only )
154  * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 )
155  * LoRa: [0: not inverted, 1: inverted]
156  * @param timeout Transmission timeout [ms]
157  */
158  virtual void set_tx_config(radio_modems_t modem, int8_t power, uint32_t fdev,
159  uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate,
160  uint8_t coderate, uint16_t preamble_len,
161  bool fix_len, bool crc_on, bool freq_hop_on,
162  uint8_t hop_period, bool iq_inverted, uint32_t timeout);
164  /**
165  * Sends the buffer of size
166  *
167  * Prepares the packet to be sent and sets the radio in transmission
168  *
169  * @param buffer Buffer pointer
170  * @param size Buffer size
171  */
172  virtual void send(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size);
174  /**
175  * For backwards compatibility
176  */
177  virtual void receive(uint32_t timeout)
178  {
179  (void) timeout;
180  receive();
181  }
183  /**
184  * Sets the radio to receive
185  *
186  * All necessary configuration options for reception are set in
187  * 'set_rx_config(parameters)' API.
188  */
189  virtual void receive(void);
191  /**
192  * Sets the carrier frequency
193  *
194  * @param freq Channel RF frequency
195  */
196  virtual void set_channel(uint32_t freq);
198  /**
199  * Generates a 32 bits random value based on the RSSI readings
200  *
201  * Remark this function sets the radio in LoRa modem mode and disables
202  * all interrupts.
203  * After calling this function either Radio.SetRxConfig or
204  * Radio.SetTxConfig functions must be called.
205  *
206  * @return 32 bits random value
207  */
208  virtual uint32_t random(void);
210  /**
211  * Get radio status
212  *
213  * @param status Radio status [RF_IDLE, RF_RX_RUNNING, RF_TX_RUNNING]
214  * @return Return current radio status
215  */
216  virtual uint8_t get_status(void);
218  /**
219  * Sets the maximum payload length
220  *
221  * @param modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
222  * @param max Maximum payload length in bytes
223  */
224  virtual void set_max_payload_length(radio_modems_t modem, uint8_t max);
226  /**
227  * Sets the network to public or private
228  *
229  * Updates the sync byte. Applies to LoRa modem only
230  *
231  * @param enable if true, it enables a public network
232  */
233  virtual void set_public_network(bool enable);
235  /**
236  * Computes the packet time on air for the given payload
237  *
238  * Remark can only be called once SetRxConfig or SetTxConfig have been called
239  *
240  * @param modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa]
241  * @param pkt_len Packet payload length
242  * @return Computed airTime for the given packet payload length
243  */
244  virtual uint32_t time_on_air(radio_modems_t modem, uint8_t pkt_len);
246  /**
247  * Perform carrier sensing
248  *
249  * Checks for a certain time if the RSSI is above a given threshold.
250  * This threshold determines if there is already a transmission going on
251  * in the channel or not.
252  *
253  * @param modem Type of the radio modem
254  * @param freq Carrier frequency
255  * @param rssi_threshold Threshold value of RSSI
256  * @param max_carrier_sense_time time to sense the channel
257  *
258  * @return true if there is no active transmission
259  * in the channel, false otherwise
260  */
261  virtual bool perform_carrier_sense(radio_modems_t modem,
262  uint32_t freq,
263  int16_t rssi_threshold,
264  uint32_t max_carrier_sense_time);
266  /**
267  * Sets the radio in CAD mode
268  *
269  */
270  virtual void start_cad(void);
272  /**
273  * Check if the given RF is in range
274  *
275  * @param frequency frequency needed to be checked
276  */
277  virtual bool check_rf_frequency(uint32_t frequency);
279  /** Sets the radio in continuous wave transmission mode
280  *
281  * @param freq Channel RF frequency
282  * @param power Sets the output power [dBm]
283  * @param time Transmission mode timeout [s]
284  */
285  virtual void set_tx_continuous_wave(uint32_t freq, int8_t power, uint16_t time);
287  /**
288  * Acquire exclusive access
289  */
290  virtual void lock(void);
292  /**
293  * Release exclusive access
294  */
295  virtual void unlock(void);
297  static void HAL_SUBGHZ_TxCpltCallback(void);
298  static void HAL_SUBGHZ_RxCpltCallback(void);
299  static void HAL_SUBGHZ_CRCErrorCallback(void);
300  static void HAL_SUBGHZ_CADStatusCallback(void);
301  static void HAL_SUBGHZ_RxTxTimeoutCallback(void);
304  static void clear_irq_status(uint16_t irq);
305  static uint16_t get_irq_status(void);
306  static void read_opmode_command(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size);
307  static void write_opmode_command(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size);
308  static void read_fifo(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size, uint8_t offset);
309  static void get_rx_buffer_status(uint8_t *payload_len, uint8_t *rx_buffer_ptr);
310  static void get_packet_status(packet_status_t *pkt_status);
311  static uint8_t get_modem();
312  static uint8_t read_register(uint16_t addr);
314 private:
316  // Access protection
317  PlatformMutex mutex;
319  // helper functions
320  void wakeup();
322  void SUBGRF_SetTcxoMode(radio_TCXO_ctrl_voltage_t voltage, uint32_t timeout);
323  void set_device_ready(void);
324  int8_t get_rssi();
325  uint8_t get_fsk_bw_reg_val(uint32_t bandwidth);
326  void write_to_register(uint16_t addr, uint8_t data);
327  void write_to_register(uint16_t addr, uint8_t *data, uint8_t size);
329  void read_register(uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size);
330  void write_fifo(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size);
332  void rf_irq_task(void);
333  void set_modem(uint8_t modem);
336  uint8_t get_frequency_support(void);
340  void set_modulation_params(modulation_params_t *modulationParams);
341  void set_packet_params(packet_params_t *packet_params);
342  void set_cad_params(lora_cad_symbols_t nb_symbols, uint8_t det_peak,
343  uint8_t det_min, cad_exit_modes_t exit_mode,
344  uint32_t timeout);
345  void set_buffer_base_addr(uint8_t tx_base_addr, uint8_t rx_base_addr);
347  radio_error_t get_device_errors(void);
348  void clear_device_errors(void);
350  void set_crc_seed(uint16_t seed);
351  void set_crc_polynomial(uint16_t polynomial);
352  void set_whitening_seed(uint16_t seed);
353  void set_pa_config(uint8_t pa_DC, uint8_t hp_max, uint8_t device_type,
354  uint8_t pa_LUT);
355  void set_tx_power(int8_t power);
356  void calibrate_image(uint32_t freq);
357  void configure_dio_irq(uint16_t irq_mask, uint16_t dio1_mask,
358  uint16_t dio2_mask, uint16_t dio3_mask);
359  void cold_start_wakeup();
361  void SUBGRF_SetSwitch(uint8_t paSelect, RFState_t rxtx);
362  uint8_t SUBGRF_SetRfTxPower(int8_t power);
363  void SUBGRF_SetTxParams(uint8_t paSelect, int8_t power, radio_ramp_time_t rampTime);
364  void Radio_SMPS_Set(uint8_t level);
365  uint32_t RadioGetWakeupTime(void);
368  uint8_t _standby_mode;
370  uint8_t _reception_mode;
371  uint32_t _tx_timeout;
372  uint32_t _rx_timeout;
373  uint8_t _rx_timeout_in_symbols;
374  int8_t _tx_power;
375  uint8_t _antSwitchPaSelect;
376  bool _image_calibrated;
377  bool _force_image_calibration;
378  bool _network_mode_public;
380  // Structure containing all user and network specified settings
381  // for radio module
382  modulation_params_t _mod_params;
383  packet_params_t _packet_params;
385  RFState_t rfstate;
387 };
virtual uint8_t get_status(void)
Get radio status.
virtual bool perform_carrier_sense(radio_modems_t modem, uint32_t freq, int16_t rssi_threshold, uint32_t max_carrier_sense_time)
Perform carrier sensing.
The type describing the packet parameters for every packet types.
Definition: sx126x_ds.h:581
virtual void receive(uint32_t timeout)
For backwards compatibility.
virtual void start_cad(void)
Sets the radio in CAD mode.
STM32WL driver implementation.
virtual void receive(void)
Sets the radio to receive.
virtual void send(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size)
Sends the buffer of size.
Represents the possible radio system error states.
Definition: sx126x_ds.h:191
virtual void init_radio(radio_events_t *events)
Registers radio events with the Mbed LoRaWAN stack and undergoes initialization steps if any...
enum modem_type radio_modems_t
Type of modem.
virtual void set_max_payload_length(radio_modems_t modem, uint8_t max)
Sets the maximum payload length.
virtual void lock(void)
Acquire exclusive access.
Represents the packet status for every packet type.
Definition: sx126x_ds.h:613
The PlatformMutex class is used to synchronize the execution of threads.
Definition: PlatformMutex.h:47
virtual void radio_reset()
Resets the radio module.
Reporting functions for upper layers.
Definition: LoRaRadio.h:389
virtual void set_channel(uint32_t freq)
Sets the carrier frequency.
virtual void standby(void)
Sets the radio in standby mode.
virtual void set_rx_config(radio_modems_t modem, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate, uint32_t bandwidth_afc, uint16_t preamble_len, uint16_t symb_timeout, bool fix_len, uint8_t payload_len, bool crc_on, bool freq_hop_on, uint8_t hop_period, bool iq_inverted, bool rx_continuous)
Sets the reception parameters.
virtual void unlock(void)
Release exclusive access.
Radio driver internal state machine states definition.
virtual void set_public_network(bool enable)
Sets the network to public or private.
virtual void set_tx_config(radio_modems_t modem, int8_t power, uint32_t fdev, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate, uint16_t preamble_len, bool fix_len, bool crc_on, bool freq_hop_on, uint8_t hop_period, bool iq_inverted, uint32_t timeout)
Sets the transmission parameters.
virtual bool check_rf_frequency(uint32_t frequency)
Check if the given RF is in range.
virtual void sleep(void)
Put the RF module in sleep mode.
virtual uint32_t time_on_air(radio_modems_t modem, uint8_t pkt_len)
Computes the packet time on air for the given payload.
Interface for the radios, containing the main functions that a radio needs, and five callback functio...
Definition: LoRaRadio.h:440
virtual uint32_t random(void)
Generates a 32 bits random value based on the RSSI readings.
The type describing the modulation parameters for every packet types.
Definition: sx126x_ds.h:557
virtual void set_tx_continuous_wave(uint32_t freq, int8_t power, uint16_t time)
Sets the radio in continuous wave transmission mode.
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